Offer: Embroidery of your choice!

Jul 11, 2008 16:38

So, I'm insane just as we all are and have decided to make a second offer for embroidery! The other one is waaay back here, but this one is a bit different.

Offer: I will embroider a wall hanging of your choosing up to 18x24 inches in size ( Read more... )

seller: yume_no_kage, offered: embroidery, game: any, movie: any, offered: needlework, book: any, anime or manga: any, offered: misc items

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Comments 3

artemia July 12 2008, 14:52:59 UTC


nutmeg3 July 15 2008, 03:04:20 UTC


nutmeg3 July 15 2008, 11:52:43 UTC
Yay! I woke up to a win. I'll go check out the donating/notifying part of things and get back to you. Thanks much for the cool offer.


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