So, I'm insane just as we all are and have decided to make a second offer for embroidery! The other one is waaay back
here, but this one is a bit different.
Offer: I will embroider a wall hanging of your choosing up to 18x24 inches in size.
-Piece will be made on egyptian cotton, with a light fusable stabilizer.
-A frame can be substituted for the hanging dowel, but please add $5-10, depending on the finished size of the piece.
-I will need a picture or reference of what you would like me to embroider. I am only a passable drawer in the fact that I can make patterns from pictures, but I need something to work with. If it is fanart, please get permission from the artist first.
-It can be any image, fandom or non, with the above mentioned reference.
Unfortunately, I only have my very first finished piece online to use for example, but here:
Please excuse the poorer quality pics.
I can make the piece as simple or as intricate as you'd like, but I would like to keep it under 25 colours. As I am working on it I will be happy to sent you updates and photos as I progess.
yume_no_kage or
Delivery: As this piece is being made to order, I will set the shipping date for November 1st. Hopefully sooner.
Minimum bid: $40