Offer: Small fandom ghost writing

Jul 04, 2008 12:32

Do you have a story you want to tell, but not the time or inclination to write it? I am offering to write an installment and then let you tell me where the next installment should go. If you don't know, I'll decide, but before each installment you can have full creative control if you wish it. At the end you can share authorship credit as a plot collaborator, or whatever title we agree on. Post it, if you wish, as your own story, so long as you credit me, too. Minimum words will be 2000, because I don't think I can write fewer than that. *g* Maximum is however long the story needs to be to get what you want done.

I'd prefer to do this in one of the following fandoms, because they are where my current inspiration is: Blood Ties, Jane Austen, or Veritas: The Quest. If you choose Jane Austen, please give me lots of time between installments, because I have to rework my text so much in order to approximate her language.

I have not a lot of experience with sex scenes and have never written slash, but since it's your story, I will do the best I can with whatever you want. Just, fair warning, I usually write Gen.

Delivery: First installment by Aug 1, finished story whenever we say it's done.

My writing is on my webpage, at, or in my Insane Journal.

Minimum bid: $10

offered: ghost writing, tv: blood ties, tv: veritas: the quest, book: jane austen, book: blood ties, offered: fanfic, seller: mojavedragonfly

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