OFFERED: Knit Scarf. OFFERED: Knit Mittens/Fingerless gloves

Jul 04, 2008 14:00

Offered: I will hand-knit you a scarf, decorative or functionional, in color(s) of your choice; material is also negotiable, within reason. Will do Harry Potter or Doctor Who scarf, or, if you actually have a pattern in mind, we can probably work that out too. Heck, if you've got some other fandom you can think up a scarf for, I'm sure I can work it out. This is a very flexible offer, as lots can be done with scarves. Seriously, I could probably handle anything you throw at me (Lace, cables, words, fandom, whatnot)

Minimum bid: $25

Buy It Now: $50


Offered: Basically same as above, but for a pair of mittens or fingerless gloves. You'll have to give me some idea of your hand size, and I'll make it them as close-fitting as possible. Utterly cusomizeable, whatever I said about the scarf applies here as well.

Minimum bid: $10

Buy It Now: $25

Do feel free to check out Fandom Knit for scarf and mitten/mitt ideas!

Contact: private LJ message, or via this post.

Delivery: November 1 at the very very latest--it will probably be much earlier than this, but better safe than sorry.

offered: knitting, seller: outofthisplace

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