Offered: Beta

Jul 02, 2008 10:16

(Too make things earlier, I'll post my three separate offers in different posts. :D ( Read more... )

anime or manga: bleach, musical: rent, game: ace attorney, movie: the matrix, seller: rabidfangirlism, offered: beta

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Comments 5

samtyr July 2 2008, 14:49:25 UTC


rabidfangirlism July 2 2008, 14:55:44 UTC
What fandom? *curious!*


samtyr July 2 2008, 15:33:29 UTC
They're not obscure by any means but it would be either backstory for PotC or pre-Fellowship LotR (an au is very possible here.)


rabidfangirlism July 2 2008, 15:44:54 UTC
Ooh, i'm down with either of those.


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