Offered: Beta

Jul 02, 2008 10:16

(Too make things earlier, I'll post my three separate offers in different posts. :D)

Offer: I will beta a fic of any size or any fandom. My preferred fandoms are RENT, Bleach, The Matrix, and Phoenix Wright, in which I will be able to provide help with characterization, but EVERY fic needs help with grammar and all that sort of junk. I will also beta original works. If this is a multi-chaptered fic that you are in the process of writing, I will stay with you till the fic ends, up to ONE YEAR. I try not to be too harsh with my criticism, but if you can't punctuation quotations correctly, I may flip out just a little in the beginning.

Contact: on my userinfo.

Delivery: Depending on the length of the fic. I will give you an estimate when you give me the length of your fic. If the fic is ongoing, up to one year.

Minimum bid: $6 (for familiar fandoms/original works) $8 (for unfamiliar fandoms)

Buy It Now: $40/$50. (bidding has started - yay!)

anime or manga: bleach, musical: rent, game: ace attorney, movie: the matrix, seller: rabidfangirlism, offered: beta

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