SVU - elliot/katie - without reason - MA

Jan 03, 2011 01:40

title: Without Reason
fandom: Law & Order SVU
pairing: elliot/katie (ofc), also contains Matt Vaughn, OC of ciaimpala - thanks for letting me borrow him, again!
letter: r for red-hot - table # 11 for a_to_z_prompts 
summary: Katie goes back to work.
rating: MA
word count: 1925
warnings/spoilers: Sex Scenes.
a/n: Katie Summers is an original character of mine who I'm pairing with Detective Elliot Stabler for my fic's in this challenge. You'll get to know more about her as you read :) SVU timeline wise is set during the time Elliot is separated from his wife.
disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Law and Order SVU. This is purely written for entertainment only.

Without Reason
Katie’s first day back at work after taking time off to look after Bonnie was nerve-wracking for one reason and one reason only. Elliot. She knew Olivia would be happy to see her, Munch would make a crack about having to drink her coffee again, and Matt would be there to eat lunch with her as he’d promised for her first day back.

Elliot was a total wildcard.

Their affair was a secret to everyone, thankfully, but that also made Katie feel conscious of how often she asked Olivia or anyone from work how he was; she didn’t want to let on that there was something between them; and SVU Detectives were hard people to keep things from, but with working with them for so long, Katie had become savvier at picking out their suspicious faces.

The morning passed easily, Olivia and Elliot were on a case, so Katie was able to settle back into her work rhythm at her own speed. Captain Cragen welcomed her back, inquired about her sister, and reminded her that if she needed more time off; all she had to do was ask. Munch made a remark about her coffee, and then promptly asked for one, citing that he had burnt his hand twice while she wasn’t there to make his drink for him.

His attitude was harmless, tongue-in-cheek remarks that made Katie laugh whether they were about her coffee or his numerous ex-wives. She knew he didn’t mean it; and that’s what made her laugh.

Back at her desk, Katie was filing through a stack of mail that had somehow piled up on her desk, no one around having the foresight to sort it themselves, and then tackled the paperwork spilling out of her inbox. Most of it was just forms that needed mailing, reminders to be sent out, calls to return, meetings to re-schedule; just the general clerical work she thrived on. In some way, it made Katie happy to see her desk so overrun with work; it made her feel like she definitely did contribute something to the precinct, despite not carrying a badge and gun.

“Welcome back!” Matt’s bright voice snapped Katie out of a sorting trance.

“Oh, hey!” She had to blink a few times to adjust to a life-sized person, after spending a good twenty minutes reading the diminutive writing on some of the forms on her desk. Matt was holding a thin yellow daisy out to her. “Aw, sweet.”

“Not really; I stole it from the lobby,” He said, sticking the daisy into the cup of water beside her computer. “Settling back in okay?”

Katie leant back in her chair and stretched her arms up over her head; her muscles twitching with the movement. “I think so,” She nudged her stack of waiting paperwork. “It’s like I never left.”

“Nice outfit...” Matt commented, eyeing the midnight blue satin blouse that clung to Katie’s womanly body.

Katie knew her top was fancy, but she’d paired it with an old, dark blue skirt so she didn’t feel overdressed. Apparently Matt had still noticed. “Well, first day back,” She smiled. “Might as well use this shirt for something.”

Happy enough with her answer, Matt told her he’d meet her for a late lunch at two and then left her alone. It was as he was exiting the room that Katie sucked in a sharp breath of air. Elliot and Olivia were back. They were in the midst of a conversation, most likely about their case, and both retreated to their desks immediately as was their routine. Katie didn’t stare; she just became more and more involved in a request for an interview with one of the senior detectives. Protocol was that she’d send back a polite decline; the police would go to the press if there were to be any interviews. Katie had written that email reply so many times it was printed in her brain. Her fingers knew what keys to hit as she opened up a fresh email and replied back to the reporter with the New York Post.

There were three more interview requests to follow; so Katie just copied and pasted the email; changing the respective names and publications, adjusting information where she needed. She forgot she was ignoring Elliot; until Olivia came to say hello.

“Welcome back!” She said cheerfully. “I tried to keep your desk clean, but...” Her eyes drifted to the mountains of paper. “Sorry.”

Katie just smiled. “It’s okay, really I’m loving the distraction.”

“How’s Bonnie?”

“Better.” Katie said, smiling again, this one more honest because it was the truth. “The doctor doesn’t want her on her feet too much until she recovers, so she’s parked herself in front of the television, loving that I’m her personal slave when I get home.”

“I’m glad she’s doing better. I actually need to do a follow-up interview with her this week, if I can.”

Katie shrugged, not seeing a problem with this. “Like I said; she’s glued to the couch. I’ll let her know to expect you. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Katie got to her feet and stretched her legs, realizing she hadn’t stood up in a few hours. “Man, I need coffee. You want?”

“No, I’m good. You know I haven’t been drinking it nearly as often without you here.”

“Well; I’ll have to fix that.” Katie winked, gathering up a bunch of files that needed to be put away. She bid Olivia goodbye as the Captain called her into his office, and headed to one of the file rooms behind the interview rooms to put the witness statements in her hands into their respective folders.

The room was empty, as always; Katie suspected she was the only one who went back here, nothing was ever moved from where she left it, over the years she’d put her own clerical system into place, and it worked well. The statements she had to file corresponded to cases, which were organized by date, and then alphabetically by the victim’s surname, under the names of the Detectives that worked the case. Simple; effective.


She’d known Elliot would follow her back here, somewhere in her head she’d known it. He wouldn’t come up to her desk; show their awkwardness to the entire precinct, he’d have her cornered, alone. Still filing statements away, Katie looked up at him, smiled, and replied. “Hi.”

“Welcome back.” He said, stepping into the room and letting the door close behind him.


“How’s your sis?”


Elliot let out a nervous laugh, crossing his arms over his chest. “That’s all I get? One word answers?”

Katie filed M. Tumbland’s statement in the appropriate folder, taking her eyes off Elliot. “What else do you want?”

Elliot leant back against the door, arms tightly gripped across his chest, the tension evident in the way he held his jaw. “We gotta talk.”

“No, we don’t.” Katie said, quickly slamming shut the filing cabinet she was working on and moving to the next one. “You’re married. I’m in a relationship. They are the facts. So... that’s it.”

Elliot pushed off of the wall. “No,” He said quietly. “That’s not it.”

Roughly shoving R. Mullins's statement into Olivia’s section of the file drawer, Katie kept her eyes on her work.

“Do you know what it’s like to want somebody?” He said under his breath, taking three long strides towards her. “Just... to touch them?”

He was talking about her, who else? Her back was to him, but she could hear him breathing behind her, and knew if she turned he’d be right there. “Yeah.” She found herself answering in voice barely above a whisper. Turning, Katie kept her eyes to the floor, but they were soon travelling up Elliot’s legs, up his chest, across his muscled arms, firm and clenched, and finally resting in his narrow, blue eyes, watching her intently, waiting for her to make a move. “But it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s all that matters.”

Katie tried to send off as many negative vibes as she could. She was with Ben; she loved Ben. That mattered, too. But she couldn’t ignore the chemical reaction in her body when she was this close to Elliot... perhaps she could; but she didn’t want to. “Elliot.” She said; but that was it. She couldn’t find other words, her mouth just opened and closed like a fish, her voice gone.

“I’m not sorry.” Elliot said resolutely. “I’m not.”

“Who are you trying to convince, me or you?” Katie snapped curtly.

Elliot had had enough. “Look; if you’re not gonna talk this out seriously,” He unfurled his arms and held them up in a surrendering motion. “Then I’m done talking about it at all.” He backed away from her.

Katie scoffed. “Well, maybe I’m not done.” She said; but he didn’t reply, he just turned for the door. “Hey!” Katie approached him and grabbed his upper forearm, trying to turn him around. He was much stronger than her, and turned back, wrenching his hand from her fingers. He wouldn’t have hit her, but his arm was tightly positioned in front of him as if to ward of an attacker; the reaction of a military detective. “You don’t get to say you’re done!”

Elliot looked to his feet, searching for an answer, and then replied the only way he could think of; he kissed her. He took her by surprise, her hands flew to his as he clutched her chin between his palms, pushing his lips between hers; she stumbled back a couple of steps but didn’t break their kiss. She was certainly resistant; her lips were tight; her jaw was clenched. Elliot took his hands from her face and lowered them to her hips; giving her the control over the kiss; and she kissed him back, softly and lovingly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling her body into his.

Katie’s mind raced, her body shivered, and her heart was pounding. He gave her this feeling; this biological response; that she’d never felt with another man. Perhaps it was because it was sordid; secret, an affair, Katie had never been involved in one before, but now she understood the excitement, the danger... it was intoxicating. His hands roamed lower down her back, bending he picked her up and spun her around, pressing her back against the wall and sliding his hands up under her skirt.

“We can’t do this here.” Katie murmured into his lips, electricity firing through her veins and begging her to do the exact opposite of what her rational mind was telling her.

“Yeah; we can.” Elliot replied, slipping his hand up into her panties and pulling them aside; letting his fingers graze against her most sensitive skin and make her moan.

Katie silenced her rational brain, her hand was already travelling into Elliot’s pants, but she found she didn’t need to help him at all. She quickly unzipped him; and then he was inside her completely. She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out loud as her body lifted off and against the wall in rhythm with Elliot’s hips. She had to clench her knees around his waist, and that only added to her pleasure as she let him devour her.

He didn’t last long; they were both so heated and wanton that their act was over in mere minutes; but each second of those minutes was filled with lust, gratification, fear and an unspoken knowledge that this was definitely not the last time they would be together.


law & order svu, katie, fanfiction, elliot

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