SVU - matt/katie - this boy I know - PG

Dec 31, 2010 23:03

title: This Boy I Know
fandom: Law & Order SVU
pairing: elliot/katie (ofc), contains Matt Vaughn, OC of ciaimpala - thanks for letting me borrow him, again!
letter: w for well-known - table # 11 for a_to_z_prompts 
summary: Katie brings Bonnie home from the hospital.
rating: PG
word count: 1758
warnings/spoilers: none really ;)
a/n: Katie Summers is an original character of mine who I'm pairing with Detective Elliot Stabler for my fic's in this challenge. You'll get to know more about her as you read :) SVU timeline wise is set during the time Elliot is separated from his wife.
disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Law and Order SVU. This is purely written for entertainment only.

This Boy I Know

“You sure you got it?”

“Katie; I can stand. I can walk. I can move. Letting me go to open a door is not gonna break me.”

Making a face, Katie reluctantly let go of her sister’s arm and unlocked her apartment door. Bonnie had finally been released from hospital with the all-clear, and Katie had ignored any refusal from her sister and demanded that she come and stay with her. She was pregnant and had an ex-boyfriend back home who severely beat the crap out of her - she wasn’t going anywhere.

“I didn’t realize how old everything in the guest room was,” Katie babbled as she ushered Bonnie into the apartment. “The dust, the cobwebs; I always ignore the room when I clean since it’s never used.”

“It used to be Gran’s sewing room, right?” Bonnie recalled as she shuffled into the room, her arm in a sling. Latent inspections on her arm had discovered it was broken; they had neglected x-rays because of Bonnie’s pregnancy; unfortunately it meant that arm went a week without being treated.

“Yep,” Katie said, pushing open the guest room door, inhaling the scent of a vanilla air freshener; definitely better than the weird, musty smell that had enflamed her nostrils when she’d opened the door two days before. “Bed’s brand new, plenty of room, bathroom’s right across the hall.”

Bonnie smiled at her sister. She was acting like she had never been here before; but Bonnie just knew she was being overly, big-sisterly cautious. “Thanks.” She said, climbing up onto the springy mattress and lying down.

“Yeah; you should rest,” Katie said, suddenly feeling silly that she hadn’t made her pregnant sister lie down immediately. She set Bonnie’s bags on the loveseat by the window and pulled a gray quilt from the bureau.

Bonnie didn’t mind being taken care of; and she knew Katie liked taking care of her; so she wasn’t about to stop her; even if it was stifling at times. Right now, she really was tired.

“Do you want some tea? I bought that green tea you like.” Katie said as she removed her sister’s sandals and unfolded the blanket across her.

“Sounds great.” Bonnie said, settling back into her pillows and closing her eyes. “Thank you.”

Stepping unnecessarily quietly out of the carpeted room, Katie left her sister alone and went to busy herself making tea. Ben was at work until late, and he’d said he’d try to make it over to see Bonnie but if not he’d come by the following day, Saturday, to visit.

Katie removed a red mug from the cupboard for Bonnie and clicked on the kettle. The clock on the microwave read 4:45 PM; they were meant to be home before three but the hospital had so many check-outs they had to wait. Olivia had been at the hospital waiting with them; but had had to leave when Elliot called in with a case. Katie had acted naturally; not inquired about the case as she normally would, behaving like herself so as not to let Olivia know.

It had been almost two weeks since Katie had slept with Elliot; and because she had taken time off work to be at Bonnie’s side at the hospital; so she hadn’t seen him at the precinct or even spoken to him since that night.

It was while reminiscing about Elliot that Katie was interrupted in her thought by a soft knocking at the front door. She pondered who it was as she went to answer it, knowing it wasn’t Ben because he always called out when he knocked, and Elliot’s knock was more forceful. Perhaps it was Olivia? She peered into the guest room as she passed it; Bonnie had her eyes closed and was resting peacefully.

When Katie checked the keyhole, all she saw were flowering lilies nestled in bright, green leaves. Olivia with flowers, maybe? Katie pulled the door open. “Oh,” She smiled after a faltering beat. “Matt, hi.”

“Hey,” Her co-worker smiled at her. “These are for Bonnie.” He gestured the lilies at her.

“Oh, thanks, she’s resting, we just got in.”

Matt creased his handsome brow. “I thought she was let out at three? That’s what Olivia told me...”

“We were supposed to be.” Katie rolled her eyes and stood aside to let him in, she explained to him about the late checkout. Matt worked as a Detective with SVU, on the same floor as Olivia and Elliot so he was in Katie’s ‘section’ as she called it. She brought him coffee, his faxes, mail, basically all the same clerical crap she did for everyone else. Matt was at least grateful to her, unlike some of the older detectives who thought bringing coffee was the only thing she was any good at, so she liked him right away. And over the years they’d formed a strong friendship; one that never developed into anything more due to the fact that Matt was gay.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Matt flushed. “I should have called; I didn’t want to intrude.”

“You’re not,” Katie assured him, retrieving a second mug from the cupboard for her friend as he set the vase of lilies on the countertop. “Tea?” Matt nodded with a grin. “Tell me you didn’t come here on your day off.”

Matt chuckled as he slid into a chair at the kitchen table. “Well, try as I might I couldn’t weave you into my work day.”

Katie poured the boiling water into each of the waiting cups; fixing Bonnie’s tea first before adding the hot liquid to the coffee grounds. “Well; fat lot of good it did. The patients sleeping and her sister’s an exhausted wreck.”

“You are so pretty.” Matt over-embellished cheerily.

Katie gave him a narrow-eyed look and told him to wait for his poison while she delivered Bonnie her tea; her sister didn’t stir at the sound of her walking in, or the cup setting down on the bedside table, so Katie didn’t disturb her and just left the drink there and returned to Matt, who was finishing getting his coffee on his own.

“Just making sure it wasn’t really poison,” He winked at her, raising the cup to his lips and inhaling the scent. “Man, you make good coffee, Summers.”

Katie shuffled him out of her kitchen. “Well, I make a million cups of it at work so I’d hope I was good at it.”

“You’re not having one?”

“I need something stronger.” Katie opened the fridge and pulled out one of the beers she kept chilled for occasions like this. “You’ll do, nicely,” She murmured to the bottle before she snapped off the lid and took a long, satisfying drink.

“Happy hour somewhere.” Matt nodded in his approval of her alcoholic beverage.

Katie said nothing as she slid into a chair across from him, admiring the lilies he’d brought. “Those are beautiful.”

“Last minute gift,” Matt confessed. “Saw them on the way here, thought it would be less weird and more conventional to bring flowers.”

“Bonnie will love them, she adores lilies, and Lily is one of her favourite baby names.”

Matt smiled. “Does she know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

“No, she doesn’t want to know.” Katie replied, resting her tired head against her hand. “I’m kinda glad about it... it’ll make it more exciting.” She sipped her beer. “How’s Jordan going?”

“Good. Great, actually.” He smiled at her thoughtfulness of remembering his sister, especially considering hers had just been through such a trauma. “Dyed her hair again.”

“Fun times.” Katie smirked. Bonnie had gone through a hair dying phase. Well, more a hair streaking phase, colouring portions of her normally brown locks bright blue or hot pink, and once even lime green.

“Well; I remember when she was a baby,” Matt smiled nostalgically. “That was fun; and you’ve got it to look forward to.”

Katie smiled at the thought of becoming an Aunt, her brain had been focused on Bonnie and her getting better she hadn’t let herself get excited about the prospect of the baby. “I guess so.” She grinned, Matt always had a way of cheering her up.

“How’s Ben?” Matt asked; his eyes falling on a cute picture of them behind a heart-shaped magnet on the fridge.

“Good,” Katie said quickly, busying her mouth with another swig of beer so her lip didn’t do that weird quivering thing when she was keeping a secret... it was Elliot who had first told her she did it. “He just got a contract building apartment blocks in DC.”

Matt nodded, impressed, he’d always liked Ben. Well; what wasn’t to like? He was a great guy, a man’s man. And he adored Katie. “Will he have to move there?”

Katie shrugged. “He says he’s not sure, but I think he just doesn’t want to tell me with everything that happened to Bonnie.” She sighed. “I hope not,” She said, genuinely. If Ben had to move away for work he could be gone for months. That was how he’d come to the city; he’d just happened to like it so he’d stayed.

For a moment Katie almost blurted it out. “I slept with Elliot!” She kind of wanted to scream it, but of course she didn’t. It wasn’t something to be proud of; and she wasn’t, but she was desperately in need of someone to talk to about it. Maybe it was a good time to go see that therapist her mother was always recommending... at least they wouldn’t judge her... or maybe they would... that was why Katie was so resistant to go. She’d been a few times; after her father had been murdered when she was young, but she’d barely been five years old, and Bonnie was an infant, she hardly remembered his murder; she just remembered that one day he wasn’t there anymore.

Matt’s cell phone chose that moment to go off. “Jordan.” He said with a smile. “She wants me to bring home pizza.” Matt finished his coffee and set his mug in the sink. “I’ll give you a call in a few days when Bonnie’s more settled.” When Katie arose to farewell him he gave her a warm, consuming hug. “I got a trip I’m planning to Sydney I wanna tell you about.” He kissed her cheek.

Katie stayed in the kitchen; knowing Matt would let himself out. “Bye.” She whispered into the air as he left; suddenly overcome with exhaustion. She ambled to the couch, flopped down, and fell straight to sleep.


law & order svu, katie, fanfiction, elliot

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