Dewey's 24h Readathon!

Apr 26, 2014 12:32

An introduction:
I'm doing the April Readathon! Yeah! But I'll probably won't do the whole 24h and go to sleep at night. Boo! (Unless I get a very timely bout of insomnia) (btw it starts at 2pm here so it means night is in the middle which isn't great but that's what we get for living on a round planet instead of on... a line?) (Also, I could live ( Read more... )

livre, readathon, défi

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Comments 8

anonymous April 26 2014, 11:07:40 UTC
YES! Another Grasshopper Jungle-esque TBR pile. It's on my list for today, I'm thinking it looks weird enough to break through the fog in the wee hours of the morning... :D
Good luck!
Ellie @ Book Addicted Blonde / @BlondeBookGirl


littlegothsin April 26 2014, 11:20:54 UTC
I'm tempted to begin with it, aaaah, I don't know and it's soon!


laede April 26 2014, 12:12:13 UTC
Good luck for the Readathon! It's a really great idea :) I'll watch for your updates here and/or on Tumblr!


littlegothsin April 26 2014, 14:08:12 UTC


anonymous April 26 2014, 20:16:43 UTC
Hour 9 is upon us! 15 hours of page turning, heart wrenching, stomach turning adventures to go! :)
(Your reading pile looks very compelling. "The Book Thief" is one of my favorite books.)

READ ON! (but seriously, breaks are equally necessary. Work those reading muscles then streeetch and reeest!) You're doing great!


anonymous April 27 2014, 01:11:46 UTC
HOUR 14 of the read-a-thon.
And a 1.2.3. GO
4.5.6. WE CAN DO THIS!!
7.8.9. myeyesaredrooping
10. NO WAY! READ ON (or take a break, really, breaks are super important. Stretch, snack, nap, resume!)



cy_v April 27 2014, 07:26:23 UTC
Hope you had a good night's rest when you read this! Good progress! :D *\o/*

And that Zombies vs. Unicorns sounds familiar...but haven't read it!

Hang in there, we're in the home stretch now! :D

~ <3 Cy-V (Team Eliot .o> )


littlegothsin April 27 2014, 12:06:23 UTC
Thank you for cheering :)


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