Dewey's 24h Readathon!

Apr 26, 2014 12:32

An introduction:
I'm doing the April Readathon! Yeah! But I'll probably won't do the whole 24h and go to sleep at night. Boo! (Unless I get a very timely bout of insomnia) (btw it starts at 2pm here so it means night is in the middle which isn't great but that's what we get for living on a round planet instead of on... a line?) (Also, I could live in New Zealand.)
After much debate with myself, I decided to make one post here (you're reading it) and update it during the day (let's say every two or three hours and see how it goes). I'll probably be on tumblr and/or twitter too? Who knows.

Here's a stack of books. I might read some of them.

Update 1, 4pm (H3)
I'm reading: Grasshopper Jungle, by Andrew Smith

How many pages read: 82 (slow reading is slow)

Time spent reading: 1h50
What else did I do: Got a cup of coffee, cursed my netbook, ate a kitkat.

It's hard to concentrate ><

Update 2, 6pm (H5)I'm reading: Grasshopper Jungle, by Andrew Smith
How many pages since the last update: 64 (urg)

Time spent reading since the last update: 1h20

Listening to: The Mountain Goats and my dad making noise on the roof.

What else did I do: ate a cup of apple and chestnut compote.

Total pages read: 146
Total time reading: 3h

Update 3, 8pm (H7)

I'm reading: Grasshopper Jungle, by Andrew Smith

How many pages since the last update: 64? Again?

Time spent reading since the last update: 1h25
What else did I do: took a nap, had a Coke and some crackers.

Total pages read: 210
Total time reading: 4h24

I think I need a change of book, the narration in this one put me in a weird dreamlike sleep state (see what I mean?).

Update 4, 9pm (H8)
Took the hour off to try on cheering, and have diner (pizza, cucumber, soup, opéra cake, strawberries). I'll now start The Hunting of the Snark (a re-read). Also had a cup of mint green tea.

Update 5, 10pm (H9)

I'm reading: Saga #1, Brian K. Vaugnan and Fiona Staples.

How many pages since the last update: 56 (reading rhymes out loud: good for waking up, bad for speed)

Time spent reading since the last update: 50m

Book finished: The Hunting of the Snark , Lewis Carroll

What else did I do: lost time on the internet, changed into my pijama.

Total pages read: 266

Total time reading: 5h15

Update 6, Midnight (H11)
I'm reading: Grasshopper Jungle
How many pages since the last update: 180 (mostly a comic book)
Time spent reading since the last update: 1h50
Book finished: Saga #1

Total pages: 446
Total time: 7h

I'm going to bed and shutting off the computer now, I might keep reading a little, but no more update until the morning. Good night!

Update 7, 9:30am (H20) : I'm awake and I cheered a little, so back to trying to finish my book.

Update 8, 11am (H22)

I'm reading: Grasshopper Jungle (less than 100 pages left!)

How many pages since the last update: 87

Time spent reading since the last update: 1h30

Total pages read: 533

Total time reading: 8h30

Update 9, 2pm (the end!)
How many pages since the last update: 97
Time spent reading since the last update: 2h04
What else did I do: have lunch

Total pages read: 630
Total time reading: 10h33
Books read: 3(ish, one was 54p and the other a comic book but oh well)

Grasshopper Jungle was a really really strange book and probably not the best choice for a readathon. It has a strange repetitive rhythm to it, that fits the themes, but didn't help keeping my easily distracted brain focused on the pages.

Oh, and thank you to the nice cheerleaders who cheered me on :)

livre, readathon, défi

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