Torchwood drabble: Rationing | Gwen, Ianto, Jack | G

Aug 13, 2009 23:33

Title: Rationing
Author: rustydog
Characters: Gwen, Ianto, Jack
Rating: G
Spoilers: Spoilers for 2x09 Something Borrowed
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge 128, Fallout

"Mum, I would tell you, I promise… Love you too, bye."

Gwen scowled putting down her mobile. "Ianto," she said, "why has my mum has been having 'dreams' that I'm pregnant?" -the last word heavily accented with irritation.

"Ah." Ianto looked slightly guilty. "We... didn't have quite enough retcon for an entire wedding party - had to lower the doses a bit..."

Gwen must have been staring daggers, because Jack came to Ianto's defence, teasing, "Hey, he's not the one who went to his wedding with a belly full of alien!"

Gwen was going to have to kill them both.

ianto jones, torchwood, drabble, captain jack, gwen cooper

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