Torchwood drabble: Four Words | Owen | PG

Aug 19, 2009 22:07

Title: Four Words
Author: rustydog
Characters: Owen, Toshiko
Rating: PG for language
Spoilers: 2x13 Exit Wounds
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge 129, Trapped.


He was only twenty-seven, hadn't even come close to sorting out his life - death - yet


Damn Jack and his secrets. Damn them all, and this insane life. So many times he'd said the wrong thing. So many things he still needed to say

for the door to

No no NO-


Not like this.

Four words

"You're breaking my heart!"

for Owen to find

He'd let it be all about him, too often. But he, Owen Harper, did bloody care about people - he saved people. He was saving the city. And he could save Tosh from this.


torchwood, owen harper, drabble

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