Title: Sunrise on the Fourth Seal
Author: rustydog (
LJ |
Characters: Alice Guppy
Rating: PG13 for violent imagery
Words: 200
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge #200 Reverse Fandom: Stargate SG-1, prompt "The Fourth Horseman."
Why the creature had opted to flee into a church, Alice couldn't tell. Sewers were more common, but then, before dawn on a summer morning, the church was at least as dark and quiet.
Alice crept from pew to pew. As much as she enjoyed the stinging aroma of gunpowder and a spray of blood, there was a certain elegance to a stealthy kill. Silent, little mess, discreet disposal: it was an art. As an artist, all Alice needed, Emily had said, was discipline to refine it.
Five minutes later, Alice had fallen with the creature on top of her, its life's fluid gushing into a sponge improvised from her skirts. Time passed not in seconds but in the amount of tension remaining in its grip on her throat. The more its strength ebbed, the steadier Alice's breathing became.
There was a glow inside the church now. Pinkish-gold light was coming from one of the stained glass windows. Alice noticed it showed the image of a horse, pale green, the cloaked rider holding a scythe.
She'd never understood churches.
Removing herself from under the alien, she dragged it away out a side door. A quiet kill. She'd done well tonight.