Title: The Cult of the Plague of Blood, Cardiff Synod
Author: rustydog (
LJ |
Characters: Gwen/Rhys, Jack, Tosh
Rating: PG
Words: 200
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge #200 Reverse Fandom: Stargate SG-1, prompt "Chain Reaction." I... may have gotten carried away with the thought of 200 words and tried to fit in too much plot.
Religious panic came to Cardiff
because the Bay turned to blood
because the ship crashed
because Tosh obeyed Jack
because Jack was saving Gwen
because Gwen found a puppy
because Rhys wrote a note.
Gwen was running late. In the kitchen, Rhys had left a note of such impertinent sweetness, she was forced to return to the bedroom and "punish" him before leaving for work. Thirty seconds earlier, and she wouldn't have met the puppy trotting past the Tourist Information office.
"Jack," she called on her comm, kneeling to stroke the animal, "ever seen a dog with turquoise eyes? It's the oddest thing..."
Jack replied, sounding urgent. "Gwen, get-" And that was all.
"Tosh, the comms are down." Jack was already running toward the exit.
"Remember, Jack? The Mgaman ship is in range-interference. I've got to send them a software patch, or-"
"Sorry, I need a small neutralizing pulse NOW, Gwen's in trouble..."
As Jack disappeared, Tosh considered the relative urgency: saving her colleagues or keeping an alien ship out of Cardiff Bay?
The decision took 0.72 seconds. They could deal with the ship's crimson sludge later; the public would gratefully swallow any cover story she fed them. Right?