One more question: Were the older forms of the Realschule (Mittelschule) more or less the same when it came to the sorts of careers it prepared children for
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Thank you. I had read that schools were gender-segregated at a point in time, but I'd heard it in regards to Gymnasien, and that could be state/school dependent in the 70s. Was it also true of elementary education until the 60s?
But I would guess that many Gymnasien were gender-segregated, and all schools were segregated based on religion? I've also been told things about the German Carnival in the predominantly/traditionally Catholic regions; I believe I was told that parades and floats happen and people will dress up, but is there anything else I'm missing with that that would be traditional?
1. If her teachers deemed her to be bright enough and her parents had been interested in sending her there, she could have attended a Realschule or a Gymnasium anyway after attending Volksschule for four years.
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