One more question: Were the older forms of the Realschule (Mittelschule) more or less the same when it came to the sorts of careers it prepared children for
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Thank you. I had read that schools were gender-segregated at a point in time, but I'd heard it in regards to Gymnasien, and that could be state/school dependent in the 70s. Was it also true of elementary education until the 60s?
But I would guess that many Gymnasien were gender-segregated, and all schools were segregated based on religion? I've also been told things about the German Carnival in the predominantly/traditionally Catholic regions; I believe I was told that parades and floats happen and people will dress up, but is there anything else I'm missing with that that would be traditional?
I'll have to see what I can find; sometimes things on Youtube are 'region-locked' meaning people in other countries can't access them. But, thank you. :)
Thank you, I'll have to. I also meant to ask if Mittelschulen taught basically the same things/prepared for the same career types that modern Realschulen do?
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