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Comments 3

derekl1963 July 20 2011, 20:42:59 UTC
I suspect that if he goes into shock, absent immediate medical attention, odds are there won't be any recovery - he'll be dead. Shock + infection only vastly increases the odds for needing a pine box.



lolmac July 20 2011, 21:48:00 UTC
What you're asking about is the following:
- multiple skin contusions
- heavy subcutaneous bruising
- infection from untreated superficial cuts
- poor nutrition during a relatively short period of high stress

It doesn't really matter how the damage was inflicted; the medical reality will be about the infection. Research that.

If you actually want a worse injury with a worse prognosis, the incompetent abuser is likely to do kidney damage by striking too hard on the wrong part of the back.


andelendir July 22 2011, 22:26:15 UTC
I have trouble imagining the whip and the kind of whipping which would cause someone to black out. Seriously ( ... )


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