
Mar 13, 2007 10:16

Last night I watched for the first time a bit of Oprah. I deeply dislike the character - for a thousand and one reasons I am not going to make a list of here. But she invited a bunch of 'motivational speakers'. A category that... What is the difference between crooks who sold in public squares potions 'that cure all diseases' and motivational ( Read more... )

tv, rant

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Comments 21

naked_runner March 13 2007, 09:05:09 UTC
I-ai uitat pe predicatori. Ai vazut ca au inceput sa apara pe la tot felul de posturi TV tot felul de indivizi care abia vorbesc lb romana, dar zbiara versete din Biblie si vorbesc incontinuu tot felul de prostii religioase? (Ca sa nu mai spun ca nici macar crestini ortodocsi nu sunt).


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 11:49:52 UTC
ah, cum am putut sa uit? toti marii vorbitori de aseara erau fosti fii risipitori care la un moment dat au auzit glasul Domnului si s-au apucat sa predice succesul la amaratii care nu stiu ce-i aia. evident trebuia si un pic de reglie aici. ca sa fie totul si mai fals... dezgustatoare personaje!


naked_runner March 13 2007, 11:54:18 UTC
Vai, cum am putut sa pierd asa ceva atunci HAHAHAHAHAHA
Vroiam sa intreb retoric de ce considera ca restul sunt niste dobitoci care trebuie sa fie invatati... dar probabil au dreptate, trebuie sa fii mare dobitoc sa le dai bani ca sa te invete cum sa ai succes.
Mare ahtiat dupa bani trebuie sa fie Domnul asta - n-am prea vazut nici un predicator d-asta sau din cei care i-au auzit glasul sa faca chestii gratuite, sa ajute fara sa ceara nimic inapoi... Toate serviciile sunt contra cost.


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 12:18:36 UTC
Ce, crezi ca impart banii cu Dumnezeu? Nici pomeneala. El ia pacaleala cea mai mare... E uluitor cat de multi idioti ii considera sfinti pe tot felul de rpedicatori onerosi. adica foarte putini au fost demascati si probabil ca mai sunt si acum idioti care cred in ei.

cat despre predicatorii pe pe B1... cine se uita la ei? pe de alta parte trebuie sa recunosc ca mi se pare prozelitism pe fata. desi nu stiu carui grup religios ii apartin - ca nu m-am uitat niciodata.


nattlindemann March 13 2007, 10:51:21 UTC
Oprah is very popular and - if I’m not mistaken - quite appreciated in her own country. I personally deeply dislike that kind of show. Too phony, too American… (Yep, I said it, now throw me rocks! ;P) We also have some kind of phony shows like that here (influenced by our neighbor? Perhaps! ;P). I just can’t understand why people “buy” this sort of crap? Why they listen to that even thinking that it may be real and honest. Some people need that, they need to be told how to think, hoe to live and how to love themselves (as you said). That type of show and all those reality shows (YURK!)… I just can’t stand them anymore. Maybe that’s why I don’t watch TV anymore except the news channel.


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 11:50:55 UTC
I don't watch, but last night I did - probably because I felt like feeding my hatred against these types of people. Yep, I'm evil...


nattlindemann March 13 2007, 13:38:34 UTC
Of course you’re evil!
You are marvelously evil! ;)))


dadi March 13 2007, 11:24:58 UTC
I think the vast majority of humanity IS stupid. Plain and simple. I have no other explanation for this.


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 11:54:36 UTC
very very true. and some of the best of them (the most stupid) are our leaders...


dadi March 13 2007, 12:12:39 UTC
well you wouldn't think the masses would be voting anybody different from them..


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 12:15:42 UTC
exactly! that's the fabulous mechanism of democracy!


hannelore_k March 13 2007, 17:00:05 UTC
I really don't like Oprah. I think she has a very distorted view of herself.

I've never been able to read self-help books. I've picked them up and read the covers...that's as far as I could get. Most of them make it all sound so simple, and I just don't believe it. Maybe so many people are just looking for a quick fix to whatever has got them down, and they're willing to try anything. It's sickening how much money these phonies make from their books and shows.


lisa_thecat March 13 2007, 17:52:58 UTC
"It's sickening how much money these phonies make from their books and shows." - EXACTLY!


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