Title: Stolen Memories Pairing: Matt/Haitian Rating: NC-17 Summary: The head of Homeland Security isn’t as alone as he thought. Prompt: slashyheroes15 04. Dream
Yeah, I thought of the idea in the car on the way home from work, and then that last line popped into my head, and I couldn't go to sleep before I'd written it.
... Though the bottle of Vault I drank during the last hour of work helped that problem, too.
Whoa... This was hot, and you DID go where I thought you might be going! I don't know if I should be a little creeped out or not, because I loved this :)
*Grins* Thanks. Being creeped out is fine; the Haitian has that effect on people. In a different way from Thompson, of course, but he was influenced by him from a young age.
Oh I love this idea so very much! The way they can talk to each other. The way it's random and Matt reacts to it. And afterwards I'm left wondering if the Haitian wants to, or has to...
Oh wow. I loved the way you wrote this, the level of detail and the word choice you used all really helped create a nice mood. Plus, that ending? Wow. Nice and dark and twisted. Just the way I like my slash.
And hey, Matt got to be on top this time! Shame he won't remember it.
I know, isn't it? *Laughs* Though I really think I'm going to do a sequel to this, from the Haitian's POV. Because I didn't go into HIS motives in this, and... well... it would be fun. *Grins*
Comments 29
That was incredible. Seriously! Ending! Smut! All excellent.
And now I'm late for work.
... Though the bottle of Vault I drank during the last hour of work helped that problem, too.
No. No. Evil, evil bunnies!
*shoots plot bunny ded*
Oh I love this idea so very much! The way they can talk to each other. The way it's random and Matt reacts to it. And afterwards I'm left wondering if the Haitian wants to, or has to...
And hey, Matt got to be on top this time! Shame he won't remember it.
I am also jealous of your fic writing abilities. You've got four of your prompts filled while I'm still stuck on my first.
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