Title: Red Hot Lust Author: liritarofrohan Rating: NC 17 Paring: Hatian/Bennet Summary: Bennet discovers something he probably shouldn't have. A/N: I started this fic more than two years ago, then abandoned it. I'm trying to figure out why.
Title: Hard to Say Author: Liritar Rating: PG 13 Pairing: Mohinder/Thompson A/N: Written for the beautiful Kathy. I asked her for a challenging prompt, and she came up with the impossible: Thompson actually being nice to Mohinder.
Title: Well Played Authors: liritarofrohan andveetvoojagig Pairing: Thompson/Nathan Rating: NC-17 Summary: Very little plot and a lot of sleaze. Thompson being his usual self.
Title: A Gift from the Heart Author: Liritar Pairing: Matt/Bennet/Peter Rating: NC 17 Summary: Matt knows what Bennet really wants. So he brings him a present. AN: I blame veetvoojagig and c_quinn. They know it’s their fault. And they know why. Prompt: slashyheroes15 10: Fantasy
First: Sweeny Todd = WIN. The general synopsis is that Johnny Depp wants to kill Snape and Wormtongue, and since he can't, Bellatrix Lestrange helps him make half the people of London into meat pies. My kind of movie
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