I Did It

Sep 23, 2014 23:21

I had a crown that had a hole in it and I was NOT looking forward to replacing it. At all. But I went into the dentist this morning and they took off the old crown. There was a small cavity underneath it, which they quickly removed. They built it all up again, and then took an impression of both the inside and the outside, and then made me a ( Read more... )

gaming, movie, dentist

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Comments 8

incandescens September 24 2014, 07:37:44 UTC
(Hugs) Poor exhausted thing. I'm glad it was better than expected, but sympathy anyhow.


liralen September 24 2014, 15:48:29 UTC
(hugs back gratefully) Thank you... and, yeah... all around.

Whew. I have about 2400 words of Kisuke hunting, should be able to get that done by the end of the week, too. It's been nice just being with him again...

But, yeah... tired. *laughs quietly* But definitely better than feared. Yay!


incandescens September 24 2014, 23:22:20 UTC
Excellent! We shall at some point finally draw a curtain on Winter War!

Though we still have all those lovely epilogue bits to do. Certain people waking up... :)


liralen September 25 2014, 13:32:46 UTC
Yes! Yes we do. <3


tagryn September 24 2014, 10:57:24 UTC
Wince. But *hugs* for getting it done, and it sounds like they know what they're doing, which is really good to know going forward.


liralen September 24 2014, 15:49:03 UTC
*hugs solidly back* Yes. It is really a good sign going forward, and something I'd missed before.

Thank you!


flemmings September 25 2014, 00:40:41 UTC
Ah! I have a crown that has a hole in it too! My dentist is going to do something about that some day, in maybe three weeks. But she doesn't intend replacement, just mending. Her crowns are very very good. May yours last as long as mine.


liralen September 25 2014, 13:30:27 UTC
I love your wish. Thank you so much. I hope it does too.

I'm very glad yours can be mended!


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