Title: Ensemble: Retaking Seireitei
Winter War Characters: Sasakibe, Soi Fong, Ganju, Kuukaku, Kuchiki Ginrei, Ikkanzaka Jidanbou
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, language and violence
Summery: The Seireitei crew gets to work after Gin leaves the city.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters. I make no money from these writings.
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Comments 27
I longed for this chapter more than I could possibly say, and it is GREAT ^_^ Sasakibe had his long-deserved moment of glory, and Soi Fon is gorgeous as usual, and Shibas are so... themselves ^_^
And I really adore the way you put minor characters into the story.
Thank you so much ^_^
The Shibas certainly are distinct. Whew.
Thanks for the lovely comment!
Shiba siblings, Ganju and Kuukaku[,]
the low voice, tired but still powerful[,]
old solder (soldier)
gist of most of the conversations were (this is a UK/American break, I believe; the American requires the verb to agree with "gist," so "was." I believe the UK allows the verb to agree with "conversations," thus "were.")
we can do," she said[.] "Take
Go on, Brother[.] we (otherwise it's a comma-splice, a comma connecting two complete sentences.)
into the air: he landed (another UK/American difference; that's the UK usage. The American one would have a semi-colon. Do I know who one of your major beta-readers is, or what? O;D ) )
until they were touching foreheads and breathing each other’s breath --Mmmm, nice image! I love how this is the undercurrent of their squabbling.
Go, go, Soi Fong! And everyone else. (Nice that some things are going nearly according to plan...)
Thank you so much. I'm very glad they were as they should be. *grins* They were fun to write.
But I have a question...isn't Ginrei no longer alive in cannon? Or did I make a mistake?
He's actually in the sequence when Rukia is being adopted, in the whole of the Koga anime arc, and quite hale and alive at the end of it. So...I figure he's just seen Byakuya's father die, and in this AU Byakuya never came back from Hueco Mundo. Two generations lost to Shinigami duties. So...worn away seemed appropriate.
Thank you!
One edit:
the Chambers of the Central 42
Unless I'm forgetting something about Winter War canon, isn't it Central 46?
Yes! Hope! For *once*...though once things *look* like they're good...
I'm glad that you liked Soi Fong and Sasakibe having more than just a mustache and a foil he never gets to use... *laughs*
I have to credit sophiap for the idea of the cats. It was creepy enough I had to use it.
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