Stepping Out and Remaking History

May 16, 2016 17:59

And now I am unofficially done with being moderator ( Read more... )

knitting, ucc, writing, coping

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Comments 8

flemmings May 17 2016, 00:42:05 UTC
That is a *stunning* cushion. I can't imagine the work that went into figuring out the pattern and actually making it, but my hat is off to you.


liralen May 17 2016, 01:49:10 UTC
*beams* Thank you!

It's taken a while for me to have an ingrained feeling for how knitted lace works, but it was worth it when Allyson hugged me on getting the finished cushion. I think her grandmother will love it.


incandescens May 17 2016, 01:30:15 UTC
Well done and congratulations on all your hard work, both the Moderating and the cushion and patterns.



liralen May 17 2016, 01:49:37 UTC
(hugs back happily) Thank you!!


mdlbear May 17 2016, 01:52:08 UTC
That's amazing. So are the mitts. Wondering whether I should learn to knit after I retire.


liralen May 17 2016, 02:04:27 UTC
Thanks! The mitts are fun and a smaller project, but you have to know lace... I love knitting, I'll admit, and it's often a relaxing way to spend time. I take my knitting to all kinds of meetings and events and it's a solace when I'm in need of soothing, mostly 'cause I'm making something. *grins*


archangelbeth May 17 2016, 03:15:50 UTC


liralen May 17 2016, 16:34:09 UTC
*beams and blushes* thank you!!!


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