Aug 21, 2007 18:23
I love my fiance'
...Can't wait to marry him.
I love my baby boy
...Can't wait to watch him grow up
I love the few good friends i have..
..Can't wait to get more!
Life is pretty crazy right now.
Working full time
Part time school
Raising a child
Planning a wedding
getting certified as an C.O.A
Certified Ophthalmic Assistant)
Happy for now. :)
Feb 17, 2007 20:47
150 pounds and 6 months pregnant..Not doing too bad, i dont think...
Jan 14, 2007 21:28
Why is it so hard to live this life? Why can some days be so great, while others so...pointless? Why can't my love life be more secure? Or my friend more trusting? Or maybe it all ties together..Yeah, thats it. I found the answer.
Jan 14, 2007 21:21
I have never done anything to you..I don't care to be your friend anymore.
Dec 05, 2006 11:29
Last night i prayed for 15 minutes..mostly about you.
Aug 07, 2006 20:27
For those of you who have cared enough
to ask me how my new life is..
...thank you. Means a lot.
Miss you all.
And i know the phone works both ways,
but if you knew my schedule as a nanny,
in my world, it only works one way.
So, thank you,again, to all of you
who have alteast pretended to care.
Jul 21, 2006 12:09
Heaven's not a place
that you go when you die
its that moment in life
when you actually feel alive
Jul 10, 2006 12:09
Just arrived back from the Bahamas.
Had an enjoyable time..
If you care to know,
call me :)
Jun 23, 2006 21:06
So I am moving to Orlando (Actually Celebration)
next week, for the next year.
Can't wait.
I will be a live-in nanny
for two 5 year old twins.
The house is a mansion
with three kitchens.
Can't wait.
Oh yeah, I also got a brand new car.
Scion XB, yup the box on wheels.
Screw all of you who hate it,
its amazing.
Absoultely amazing.
Jun 04, 2006 19:28
goodbye Alyx. be safe. have fun. I'll miss you dearly.