And I agree with all of your points. To quote my father, in his delicate way of stating these things, "Hope in one hand, crap in the other, see which fills up first."
And I missed you, most definitely, you never call, you never write, you never nuzzle the back of my ear first thing in the morning anymore.
Gack! With hands filling up in that manner I heartily suggest that no one applaud. O_O
As for staying in touch ... I barely have time to stay in touch with myself! You'll notice that my art postings to FurAffinity are far and few between. I NEED MORE FREE TIME!!!! <-- That was one of my few whines that I very rarely emit. Save it and in fifty years it will be worth something. ;-) :-D
Hey, wait a minute! I think I did reply to the last e-mail you sent me and I am still waiting for a reply. Hmmmm?
I’ve held back for months in replying to the US political situation out of fairness … though I don’t see that standard being applied by those who support those who are in charge. But anyroad, I’ve been sitting back just watching the situation developing. WhoaBoy, and has it been developing. O_O
In the meantime I have been venting my frustration and fascination by writing journals and saving them. Now, after so many months I will begin dropping one or two a week in a Monday Morning Quarterback style.
As for not starting off on religion … well the problem is that there are so many devoted believers running around who do NOT belong to any organized religion at the moment. The Obama worshippers, the Global Warming believers, the Bush is the Cause of Everything Wrong believers, the Poor are Entitled to Everything devotees, that it is hard to know where to start.
You have a floor to sweep? Well then, that means you are one of the “rich oppressors”.
I’ll stop now. This is supposed to be a reply and not a journal entry. :-D
Well, the Obamaites and the Bushies and the Poor-isheners are the saddest lots we have out there...
While I voted for him, I didn't vote for the other freaks that are in charge up there... I found my voice rather small in the tumultuous cacophony of "Change." My question is... "Change what?" They cannot point to anything that needs fixing (and when they do, they royally screw it up and make it worse instead of better).
Monday Morning Quarterbacking journals, eh? Sounds like fun! :-3
Now, I think I'll be looking forward to some of your rants! :) ~Wappa
I am not 100% if you are being Sarcastic or serious o.O maybe I just struggle to get inflection from text.
If you are sincere in your comments I will have to disagree and reason with you on some of them :) but I will hope to do that in a constructive way.
Service to say as a non US citizen looking at the situation I think it has changed for the better. It is nice to here from a president that talks about hope rather then protection and fear all the time. Not had one of them since Kennedy :) well maybe Reagan.
Soo good to see you back on LJ. I'm kinda semi on and off with it nowerdays (due to lack of followers or people wanting to blog and stuff) but it is always good to hear from you, Lionus! Your company is appreciated!!
Upon reading over what you've written (When I say read, I mean skimmed), I can see what you mean. I dont want to start making opinions now because I know very little regarding American Politics. Basically my knowledge comes down to Republicans = Bad, Democrats = Goodish, Southern States = AVOID!
As for that Emperor of Earth job, would you mind making this little lion your 2nd in charge? Not because I get to share a bed with you, but I would like to be "debriefed" from time to time...On your actions, of course! Hehe! *blush*
Anyway hun, I know your busy, but remember Im still here for you by LJ and e.mail!
Comments 10
And I missed you, most definitely, you never call, you never write, you never nuzzle the back of my ear first thing in the morning anymore.
As for staying in touch ... I barely have time to stay in touch with myself! You'll notice that my art postings to FurAffinity are far and few between. I NEED MORE FREE TIME!!!! <-- That was one of my few whines that I very rarely emit. Save it and in fifty years it will be worth something. ;-) :-D
Hey, wait a minute! I think I did reply to the last e-mail you sent me and I am still waiting for a reply. Hmmmm?
In the meantime I have been venting my frustration and fascination by writing journals and saving them. Now, after so many months I will begin dropping one or two a week in a Monday Morning Quarterback style.
As for not starting off on religion … well the problem is that there are so many devoted believers running around who do NOT belong to any organized religion at the moment. The Obama worshippers, the Global Warming believers, the Bush is the Cause of Everything Wrong believers, the Poor are Entitled to Everything devotees, that it is hard to know where to start.
You have a floor to sweep? Well then, that means you are one of the “rich oppressors”.
I’ll stop now. This is supposed to be a reply and not a journal entry. :-D
While I voted for him, I didn't vote for the other freaks that are in charge up there... I found my voice rather small in the tumultuous cacophony of "Change." My question is... "Change what?" They cannot point to anything that needs fixing (and when they do, they royally screw it up and make it worse instead of better).
Monday Morning Quarterbacking journals, eh? Sounds like fun! :-3
Now, I think I'll be looking forward to some of your rants! :)
If you are sincere in your comments I will have to disagree and reason with you on some of them :) but I will hope to do that in a constructive way.
Service to say as a non US citizen looking at the situation I think it has changed for the better. It is nice to here from a president that talks about hope rather then protection and fear all the time. Not had one of them since Kennedy :) well maybe Reagan.
Soo good to see you back on LJ. I'm kinda semi on and off with it nowerdays (due to lack of followers or people wanting to blog and stuff) but it is always good to hear from you, Lionus! Your company is appreciated!!
Upon reading over what you've written (When I say read, I mean skimmed), I can see what you mean. I dont want to start making opinions now because I know very little regarding American Politics. Basically my knowledge comes down to Republicans = Bad, Democrats = Goodish, Southern States = AVOID!
As for that Emperor of Earth job, would you mind making this little lion your 2nd in charge? Not because I get to share a bed with you, but I would like to be "debriefed" from time to time...On your actions, of course! Hehe! *blush*
Anyway hun, I know your busy, but remember Im still here for you by LJ and e.mail!
*kisses*...I love you!
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