
Aug 04, 2008 01:26

The world would be so much better if people were to actually speak. And if they were to speak than maybe have the good decency to say why they say what they say. Maybe if they spoke so well a person would already know what they mean. Oh but there would be mistakes any way. They-they just happen. Sometimes you don't see them. And that makes them ( Read more... )

why must i be a teenager in love?, sister sister, sissy, i'm not having fun, caspian

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Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 09:17:33 UTC
Ed, you don't...

[Sure that he's down the hallway already.]

[ooc; Sho thang!]


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 09:27:34 UTC
[Edmund is already halfway down the hallway. He arrives at Susan's door. One knock, two. Gentle. Edmund practises restraint.]



Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 09:50:15 UTC
[She debates on ignoring him. Just for now. But that's a very rude thing to do. If there was one thing, Susan wasn't rude.]



Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 09:54:17 UTC
[Now there was his sister. Anything but rude. A good thing, at that. It makes things easier.]

Open up. I've soup going cold here.


Re: Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 10:03:59 UTC
[And she is up off of her feet and opening the door.]

You didn't need to.

[Susan doesn't have the heart to scold him. Unauthorized kitchen use or not.]


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 10:07:05 UTC
I wanted to.

[Edmund's standing by the door when she opens up, a cup of soup steaming in hand. Pumpkin. The instant sort. It soothes the soul.]


Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 10:11:50 UTC
[She pushes the door open more to let him in.]

Thank you. Put it on the nightstand. I'll wait until it cools.

[He wanted to know how she's doing. Maybe now would be a good time to say what she means too.]

I'm trying not to be too upset.


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 10:18:54 UTC
[He steps in, sets in on the stand like he's been told. For some odd reason, Edmund has a feeling what this is all about-- but he tries not to presume because maybe, actually, it's something else entirely.]

What of?

[Edmund turns to face Susan, sitting on the bed.]


Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 10:24:53 UTC
[Comes to sit beside him on the bed.]

Caspian suggested we go for a walk...he told me that he's not interested in me and he didn't know why I was so upset about it.

[It sounds so simple in words. Susan has extra infliction.]


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 11:53:44 UTC
[Moves in slight, makes more room for her.

Edmund bites the innards of his cheek from within his mouth. It's not quite what he was thinking, but it's close. Caspian, well, he did himself a number here.

He doesn't say anything, isn't quite sure what to. He understands his sister is upset. The same sister who nearly had a war started over her beauty during the Age of Gold. For Susan, Susan the Gentle, to be subsequently rejected by Caspian who was in love with Peter. Well, there were going to be problems.

Wisely, duly, Edmund keeps quiet, urging Susan to continue if she'd like.]


Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 18:23:47 UTC
[Susan sniffles. Not crying at all mind you. No. Just...sniffling.]

He was so...hollow and [puts up her hands, for all her want for better communication she can't find the words.]


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 18:32:52 UTC
[Edmund gets up and leaves-

-then comes right back, a cup of pumpkin soup filled to the brim in hand. He places them in-between Susan's fingers.]


[Edmund's not very good with the whole comfort thing, but he tries. He really does. He's going to hate doing it -- but he's going to have a right good talk with Caspian later.]


Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 18:39:52 UTC
[Only now does she realize it's an instant soup. There's no mess and no scolding. Ed is trying. Food is a chief comfort for him. Susan stirs it.]

Thank you.

[Sighs and takes a small spoon's worth.]

When you find someone who you fancy very much, I hope you never feel like this.


Re: Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 18:49:46 UTC
You're welcome.

[Lucky for Edmund there's been no one who's struck such an accord within him. It means he doesn't have to worry. It also means that his sister shouldn't have to suffer like this. Susan who's always been responsible, motherly. She doesn't need this sort of pain. Maybe, just maybe, Edmund should have said something sooner.

He sits back down, places his hands together in a clasp. As if he were in prayer. Seeking penance? Who knows.]


Private lionesssejant August 4 2008, 18:59:27 UTC
[The clatter of the spoon against the cup chips at the quiet.]

I don't want to make a fuss. But I think it's late for that.

[Already she's tired of the subject and tired of trying to make sense of it. The soup is lovely.]


Private lionpassant August 4 2008, 19:05:13 UTC
It doesn't matter if you're making a fuss or not.

[A quipping remark. As always from Edmund.]

Fact you should. Since you never do.

[Frankly, whatever Susan decides is her own choice. She just shouldn't have to bear with it alone. Haven't they learned that if one of them was to suffer, they were all to suffer together? It lessoned the pain.]


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