Vacation: Day 4

Jul 31, 2012 16:33

Having passed the 'lie around and do nothing all day" part of my holidays, I am now into the productive phase.  I have unpacked my boxes of books and filled my new bookcases, cleaned my kitchen including removing the elements and scrubbing the sauce-like things underneath, found room in my locker for my bike trainer, and pump.

In the midst of that ( Read more... )

bree, real life, the vampire diaries, fanfic

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Comments 4

upupa_epops July 31 2012, 21:05:50 UTC
Whoa, looks like you have your hands full :). I admire your productivity. Good luck with that!


linsell_farm August 1 2012, 01:17:56 UTC
Thanks for the nice comment, Marta :)

What are vacations for if not to catch up and indulge in fandom activities??? Of course, there are also various ficathons about that I'm sure I could find interesting things in ....


brokenbell July 31 2012, 22:14:05 UTC
Wow, great list. I'm very behind at fannish things at the moment, and I may come back to your post in the fall to check out the links you've compiled.


linsell_farm August 1 2012, 01:20:02 UTC
Nice to hear from you!! And that reminds me that there are several posts of yours that I haven't read yet, as well as dante_kent ...

Maybe by fall I'll have added a few posts of my own that you can read and enjoy ... ;)


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