Vacation: Day 4

Jul 31, 2012 16:33

Having passed the 'lie around and do nothing all day" part of my holidays, I am now into the productive phase.  I have unpacked my boxes of books and filled my new bookcases, cleaned my kitchen including removing the elements and scrubbing the sauce-like things underneath, found room in my locker for my bike trainer, and pump.

In the midst of that I am re-watching TVD season 3 and have finished re-watching Firefly.  I'm planning on posting my thoughts on that wonderful (and much too short-lived) series once I've finally completed my Top 10 Dialog post (which will hopefully be in the next few days).

Still to come during my vacation are dog-sitting Willy for the long weekend, barbeque at skylar_d3s house on Saturday with goldy_dollar, hopefully, a Skype date with x5vale, and maybe a few days staying at Dad's place & visiting the cottage next week.

Here's my lengthy LJ to-do list (put here mostly for my convenience & in no particular order, but maybe some of you are interested also ...):

[*] finish commenting on abvj's epic Big Fang "with your progress stretched out for miles"
       part 2
       part 3
       part 4
       part 5

[*] read and comment on badboy_fangirl's latest story "Gravity Hurts"
       chapter 1
       chapter 2
       chapter 3

[*] read and comment on elvishgrrl's one-shot and her multi-chapter story:
       Dearly Departed - OS
      Find The River (multi-chapter on
      Gone - another OS that I just discovered ....

[*] check out  various interesting posts from my f-list:
       all my change I spent on you
       Damon/Elena picspam (would be very helpful if my ISP would speed up so the pictures would load ...)
       Oh, Nina! - Good grief, but I am shamefully behind on this one

Okay, so I'm stopping with this list now, as it's getting depressing for me.  There are many more posts for me to check out as well that aren't mentioned here.  To finish off, here are 3 WIP's that I'm following (DE, of course) over on

[*]  I don't generally go for the AU/AH variety, but this one caught me and hasn't let go.  Damon and Elena are both human in this story by morvamp.  I've read her canon-based stories and quite enjoyed them.  The characterization is spot-on, which is why I've stuck with it.  I am patiently waiting for the next update.  Here's her summary of it:

Elena's established rules and guidelines for her relationships. She knows how to stay emotionally detached and when to cut the cord. But then she meets Damon, who could potentially change everything.
How Never Became Forever

[*]  This one has a fair bit of bitterness, but my overall feeling is that Damon will get past that eventually.  In the meantime, I'm finding the journey interesting.  This is from another writer, ThreeJays, who's works I've consistently loved.  Here's her summary of it:

Post 3x22 - He said he'd leave, but he said a lot of things. In the end, things aren't ever quite what you expect - but they usually end up being exactly like you need them. Damon/Elena - Warnings for language, adult situations, violence, and general bitterness.
Dark Stars Shine Bright

[*]  Another AU/AH story from a new-to-me writer, jazzywriter22.  I've since read her other stories, and like this one the most.  Again, that's likely due to how true the characterizations ring for me (plus Elena is a piano player which makes me smile because I am too). Here's her summary of it:

She's a piano-playing graduate student who's writing a historical novel. He's the new professor in the History department who has gone out of his way to avoid music since he was a boy. A story about choice, transformation, and the people who inspire others to do both.
Bourbon In Your Eyes

Last, but not least, a picture of my current TV crush Gina Torres (aka Zoe, Bree):

bree, real life, the vampire diaries, fanfic

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