My Top 10 Elena Quotes about Damon

Aug 04, 2012 14:17

My Top Ten Elena Quotes About Damon

[10] Snarkiness

Elena: I’m sorry, he just makes me so cranky!
Stefan: I know. He makes everybody cranky.
TVD 1x17, Let the Right One In

This one reminds me that Elena is a teenage girl. She’s just so cute in her snarkiness towards Damon , which is totally justified after finding out that he killed her biological mother and all the tomb vampires are free.

[9] Unspoken Reveal

Bonnie: Can we talk about you and Damon instead?
Elena: I’m not talking about it. *exchanges looks* He kissed me. It’s not gonna happen again.
Bonnie: I mean, was it good?
Elena: It doesn’t matter.
Bonnie: That means it was. *shrugs*
TVD 3x12, The Ties That Bind

While Elena’s words convey her usual denial, it’s what remains unspoken that makes me love this dialog. The look she & Bonnie exchange, and Bonnie’s last line make it clear that Elena’s reaction to the kiss goes deep and she’s not ready to deal with that. She’s doing her best to convince herself that it didn’t mean anything but Bonnie knows her better than that. That’s the other reason I love this exchange - the camaraderie between the two best friends.

[8] Jealousy

Stefan: What’s that look?
Elena: What look?
Stefan: Well, my brother, he’s got his flirt on … and you’re jealous.
Elena: I’m not jealous.
Stefan: It’s all right, be jealous, by all means. I’m sure Damon will be thrilled.
Elena: I’m NOT jealous.
Stefan: It’s my mistake.
Elena: Whatever. I’m out of here.
TVD 3x06, Smells Like Teen Spirit

While I know that Elena is playing her part in the plan, the way she repeats herself and places more emphasis on the second one suggests to me that there is truth buried in her ‘performance’. Also, she could have chosen another way to keep Stefan’s attention but didn’t. Granted, I am guilty of viewing this through DE-colored glasses, but I certainly loved seeing Elena being uncomfortable watching Damon flirt with Barbie Klaus.

[7] Understanding {of him}

You know, I really think that Damon believes that everything he’s done, every move that he’s made, he’s done for love. It’s twisted, but … kind of sad.
TVD 1x13, Children of the Damned

This one speaks to me as it shows just how early on Elena has a greater understanding of Damon than almost anyone else. It’s just this intrinsic thing with them and this beautiful quote expresses it eloquently. Elena’s view of him is unique and kindly and is one of the many reasons I am such a DE shipper.

[6] Revealing

Stefan: I try so hard to hate him. I guess it’s just pointless.
Elena: You care about him. So do I.
TVD 1x22, Founders Day

This one made the list as it surprised me that she put words to her feelings this early in their acquaintance. By Mystic Falls standards, they’ve only known each other a few months, and she’s spent less than 3 of those knowing that he’s a vampire. This is why I refer to this as the early stages of their relationship. Elena is showing her large capacity for compassion by sharing with Stefan that she cares for his brother. There aren’t very many times when she is this forthright about her emotions for Damon, so of course this is one of my favorites.

[5] Deeply Buried

Elena: Okay, you and Damon were both right. I was trying to change him. But if he wants to be in my life …
Caroline: Wait …I, uh … it’s been a long week, so I’m just gonna be blunt. It doesn’t matter what he does, Damon’s gotten under your skin.
Elena: That’s not true.
Caroline: God, just admit it, Elena! Okay? You are attracted to him in all of his bad brother glory.
Elena: No.
Caroline: Wait. No, you’re not attracted to him or no, you just won’t admit it?
Elena: I can’t, Caroline! If I admit it, *whispers*if I even thought it for just a second, *ends whisper* what does that say about me?
Caroline: It says you’re human, Elena.
TVD 3x04, Disturbing Behavior

This conversation was an eye-opener for me mostly because it showed very clearly just how deeply buried Elena had her feelings for him. Sure, we all knew she was not ready to reveal their true nature even to herself, but her words and how she said them gave us some context. Prior to this there had been no frame of reference, only a total absence of expression/discussion on Elena’s part. While initially I was highly irritated with Caroline for being so negative towards Damon. I now look back and see it as a good (& in-character) thing for her to have done. Elena reacts to friends & loved ones as catalysts much more often than she tends towards self-examination. So, Caroline prodding her gave Elena some personal awareness that she might never have had otherwise.

[4] Finally Expressed

Matt: …and Damon?
Elena: Damon just sorta snuck up on me. He got under my skin and no matter what I do, I just … I can’t shake him.
Matt: Once you fall in love with someone, I don’t know if … I don’t know if you can ever shake them.
TVD 3x16, 1912

As a somewhat impatient DE fangirl [;)], I was just so happy to hear these words come out of Elena’s mouth. A fair amount of revealing her feelings has been done through others this season, so it gave more weight to the content having her being the one to express it.
The other thing I loved was Matt’s response as it says even more about the connection to Damon than Elena is willing to in this moment. It also felt right and not overdone. Also well done is that it’s Elena and Matt that are having this conversation, as it just would not have fit with either Caroline or Bonnie. There was so much revealed in this part of the scene that filled my fangirl heart with happiness.

[3] Protective and fierce

Elena: Where’s Damon? What have you done to him?
Liz: Why do you even care? You know what they are, what they do.
Elena: I understand why you hate them but you’re wrong.
TVD 2x22, As I Lay Dying

The urgency in Elena’s demeanor is what got me in this dialog. It belies how much she cares about what happens to Damon. She’s so direct with Sherriff Forbes in trying to get information so that she can help Damon, but also has to take the time to tell her that she’s wrong about him. This whole episode showed Elena’s feelings through her reactions, but this short exchange was the crux of it, in my opinion.

[2] Scared and torn

When I’m with him, he just consumes me. And I know that I can’t love them both. I know that it’s wrong but I … when I choose one, then I’ll lose the other. And I don’t want to lose anyone else.
TVD 3x22, The Departed

This is likely to be the most-quoted dialog for all of us DE fans because it’s the first time Elena actually expressed how she feels about Damon. While that played a part in my choosing it for number 2 on my list, it’s more because the way she says it expresses her fear, which is not only of losing one of them. I felt like Elena was also showing that she’s afraid of the intensity and depth of her feelings for Damon, but it’s easier for her to chalk up her fear to other reasons. While that may seem like a backward reason to put it at #2, it’s been such a long time coming that I’m just thrilled that she’s finally putting her feelings into words.

[1] Protective and concerned

Elena: Rebekah has Damon. Our next move should be finding him.
Stefan: No. We need to stay on point. See an Original, kill an Original - that’s the plan.
Elena: Yeah, that was the plan before Damon’s life was hanging in the balance.
Stefan: Look, Elena, I understand that you’re concerned about my brother’s life, but if he even knew for 1 second that we were talking about missing a chance to kill these people, he would lose his mind.
Elena: Yeah and if the roles were reversed. He would stop everything to save you.
Stefan: I know what my brother would want.
Elena: What he would want and what we should do are 2 different things.
TVD 3x18, The Murder of One

This is my number one choice as it shows how determined Elena is to take action to save Damon. The fact that she’ll have a battle of words with the only person that she feels knows Damon better than her speaks volumes. This is an indication of how deep her protectiveness of him goes. Her feelings have grown and strengthened to the point that there isn’t anyone she’s willing to concede the point to when his life is in jeopardy. Admittedly, she doesn’t take action after her conversation with Stefan, but I still feel that her verbal sparring with him is a significant step for Elena (and one that brought her feelings into clearer view for Stefan).

the vampire diaries, favorite quotes, elena gilbert

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