Today, I went back to work...

Aug 11, 2012 21:04

and somehow thought it would be better than when I left.  I'm not sure why that is, considering I was only off for two weeks.  Ah, well, I sorted through 326 e-mails, caught up some of the phone stats (that didn't get done while I was gone), and answered a few phone calls (since it was dead quiet).

I am currently deeply involved in my kick-started Tony/Ziva ship (which is completely the fault of icarus_abides and this post).  I am now trying to come up with ways to find NCIS dvds for any of their 9 seasons.  I started watching this show 4 years ago and fell hook, line, and sinker for the chemistry between Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo and the incredibly hot Mossad officer Ziva David.  I also adore Abby and Gibbs and Tim.

I spent a couple of days at my Dad's place which was just long enough.  Tuesday afternoon, I biked 20 Kms from the cottage, and turned around at this farm:

Then on Wednesday, I joined Dad on his Rusty Spokes club ride.  Here's our bikes:

and this is the park where we all stopped for a snack break:

As it turns out, 48 hours was as long as I could comfortably spend staying with Dad, and came home early Thursday morning.  It's hard for me to be in the company of my family at the moment, as their lives are so far removed from where mine is, and I feel the divide rather painfully.  Also, Dad slipped a few times and called me Nancy.  While I understand it was a slip of the tongue, I couldn't help but feel that I was a poor stand-in.

Anyhow, the majority of my vacation was spent just relaxing, sleeping, watching the Olympics, seeing friends and recharging.  I'm content with that and looking forward to some new challenges at work.

I leave you with a shot I took this evening while walking back from my local grocery store ...

Oh, I'm having coffee with the lovely skylar_d3 tomorrow morning and am having a get-together at my place next Saturday evening that I hope she & her hubby can attend. I enjoy hosting social activities but somehow am always nervous beforehand that no-one will attend.

ETA - Is anyone else having issues with not getting LJ e-mail notifications (or very sporadically, at best)??  It's driving me a little crazy because I'm missing my f-lists posts, and comments :(

ncis, real life, tony/ziva, picspam

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