Today was one of those good days :)

Sep 07, 2012 20:02

[*] I choose not to apply for the Team Leader position and that resulted in people respecting me and opened the door to new opportunities, I'm sure :D

[*] I got to spend some time in the E-Commerce group and had several things added to my computer.  I'm looking forward to helping them out over the next few months

[*] I found a French course at a nearby college that is twice a week in class and 6 hours per week online.  The course starts near the end of October and there's a placement test to put you in the best level.  Work will pay the tuition ($509), so all I have to find is $85 or so for the text/workbook!!  This could very well lead to opportunities in our Web Content group.

[*]  I picked up my neighbor, Janne, from Carleton University this afternoon (and will continue to do that each Friday).  It felt good to do something nice for her, plus I get company for part of my drive home. :)

[*] I'm overwhelmed with all the fricken fantastic PRETTINESS that is Ian Somerhalder.  The pictures, the icons, the RPF possibilities from Nina's talk with Seventeen Magazine ....  I must find time somewhere to snag icons and save pictures and comment on all the fabulous fic that my awesome f-list has been presenting me with ...

[*]  Pretty much every minute I'm in my apartment, I have The Bellas Remix on a constant loop.  I simply cannot hear that song enough and am counting the days until I can watch the movie!!!

[*] The season 4 premiere is airing at 9 pm on CTV :( ... what happened to us Canadians getting to watch it at 7 pm, CTV???  Of course, October 11th is much too far away ...

[*]  I'm going to visit Beth's horses on Sunday.  I really have been lacking in quality equine time of late, so am very much looking forward to this.

[*]  Praying for guidance with the decision about whether to apply for the Team Leader position or not really helped.  I feel like I'm gaining a better understanding of the following prayer that I have oft repeated:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can, 
And the wisdom to know the difference.

real life, the vampire diaries, ian somerhalder

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