Vampire Diaries 30 day meme - Day 23

Jan 14, 2011 18:27

For today's prompt, I took "minor character" to mean a character that only appeared in one episode. I realize this may not be correct, but after narrowing it down to 5 contenders and finally choosing one, I didn't want to redefine the parameters.

The top five were: Carter from Brave New World, Lee (Lexi's boyfriend) from Bloodlines, Slater from ( Read more... )

lexi, the vampire diaries, meme

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Comments 4

arabian January 14 2011, 23:56:33 UTC
I honestly think I'm the only person who was meh on Lexi, LOL! Not surprised by your answer at all. :)


linsell_farm January 15 2011, 00:37:39 UTC
I only made my choice just before writing this blog. Bree was a close second. Part of why I chose Lexi was so that I don't appear completely and totally obsessed with all things Damon (& Elena). That tipped the scales in Lexi's direction.

Only one more empty Thursday before The Descent. Although, I'll have to wait until the Friday to see it on iTunes ... the hardships I endure ;o)


badboy_fangirl January 15 2011, 07:36:49 UTC
I ♥ Lexi! She's the best one-shot character in my opinion too. I felt like we spent way more time with her than we actually did. All the actors did such a great job of establishing that history. I adore the scene with her and Damon on the bed. So great.


linsell_farm January 16 2011, 02:23:08 UTC
I felt like we spent way more time with her than we actually did.

This. You said it beautifully. No easy task, I'd imagine to establish a history with actors you haven't worked with before. Kudos to them.


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