Mystery advertisement

Oct 08, 2016 22:43

I keep passing this car on my way to the supermarket and wondering what the non-English text on the sign says. I'm based in London, UK, so the language could be almost anything. (To my non-expert eye, the script looks more Arabic than Urdu, but since I'm not at even survival level in any non-European language, I can't even be sure of that ( Read more... )

farsi, whatdoesthissay

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Comments 5

klausnick October 9 2016, 07:09:50 UTC
Driving lessons.


yitnaechani October 9 2016, 09:12:36 UTC
It's in Farsi.

åmuzešgåh e raftandagi UK7 ye Eeraj
åmuzeš e åyin nåme ye raftandagi, farsi
tavasset e asåyid e majrob e raftandagi ADI, dar London, N12

Airaj's Driving lessons for UK7 licence
Driving regulations lessons, in Farsi
By expirienced teachers, ADI, in London, N12


lareinemisere October 9 2016, 17:43:45 UTC
Thankyou. :)

And now that I see the whole thing, the 'ADI' makes sense, too: that will be 'Advanced Driving Instructor'.


livejournal October 9 2016, 09:34:48 UTC
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tvreklamlari October 3 2017, 06:46:23 UTC
bilen yok mu ne yazıyor bu araç üstü reklam da ?


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