
Sep 19, 2010 14:48

Hi every one!

I could't find translation of these words in dictionary.
May be some one know what they mean?


अठारह भार बनस्पति


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Comments 6

gr_cl September 19 2010, 06:07:52 UTC
According to my Hindi dictionary (McGregor), खड़ग is a Sanskrit loan-word meaning a kind of sword or scimitar.

खांडा (with nasalization) is an Awadhi word meaning a double-edged sword or cleaver.

अठारह means eighteen. I'm surprised that wasn't in your dictionary.

भार means weight or responsibility. (ditto)

बनस्पति I couldn't find in the dictionary, but it has an entry on Hindi Wikipedia, where it seems to be the name of a village in the state of Bihar.


indigo_00 September 19 2010, 13:13:01 UTC
Thank you!
You are realy hepl me!


madbandril September 20 2010, 13:58:38 UTC
According to my Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, the word for "sword, scimitar" is खड्ग, not खड़ग.


gr_cl September 20 2010, 21:32:06 UTC
My Dictionary gives खड़ग as a variant of खड्ग


ressie_noldo September 20 2010, 01:30:41 UTC
बनस्पति I'm not sure, but the very similar वनस्पति is either 'plants' or slang for ersatz butter, which might help you? (I don't know the context for your words, or I could say more.)


indigo_00 September 21 2010, 07:12:37 UTC
Thank you!
It is a "plant".


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