"Transgermanic Etymological Dictionary"?

Jun 10, 2009 17:42

I'm looking for a sort of etymological dictionary, but I'm not sure if it exists, and was wondering if someone here could tell me if they've ever come across such a thing, what it's called if it does exist, or if someone could even direct me towards one ( Read more... )

etymology, germanic, dictionaries

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Comments 7

binni June 10 2009, 16:51:23 UTC
I've found this, though it doesn't include all of the Germanic languages. And I'm not sure if this would help you much, but it's a small list of books that could help you.


binni June 10 2009, 16:53:12 UTC
http://www.myetymology.com/ <--It's not purely Germanic, but offers several cognates


grimnir42 June 10 2009, 18:28:54 UTC
Great, yeah, that first one is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


binni June 10 2009, 18:39:24 UTC
Ah, I'm glad I was of some help~ <3


gaillimh22 June 10 2009, 20:33:58 UTC

iohanne June 10 2009, 22:16:21 UTC
Yo. I've been looking for a Transromance Etymological Dictionary for a while now.


kaji_sensei June 11 2009, 00:23:05 UTC
Got something in the works along these lines, hoping to have it prepped by about the end of the summer or so.


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