Title: "Lieutenants off duty" by lineae Character/pairing: Lieutenants Gillette, Groves Rating: PG for varying stages of undress Disclaimer: No harm meant, no money made. The boys just kindly allow me to draw them from time to time. ;)
"Artist hugged to death by zombie" - this is without a doubt the most original compliment I ever got! *^_^* (I wasn't aware that there's so little art about those two out there... but then again, I freely confess I'm kinda blind to anything but my Gillington OTP. *g*)
Thank you for your comment - I'm really glad you like it!
It's stunning, really. The hands. *sigh* The shadowing and the muscle definition, and all those tiny buttons. I think that's my favorite detail, that unbuttoned leg of Gillette's breeches. :)
Well, must put all the anatomical knowledge gained in my med school classes to some good use, don't you think? O:) Glad you like the buttons! I'm quite obsessed happy with them too. *g*
Just breeches? But what about those nice, flowing, semi-transparent shirts? What about cravats? (They can be useful!) And Mr. Gillette doesn't like the idea of being sunburnt in the Caribbean sun... ;)
Glad you like the undress, though. Unpacking a present is half the fun, after all.
Aaah! You girls are hopeless! You know very well that I never go for the obvious when there's a chance to tempt and tease! :P After all, it's my only chance to get back at you for all your mean cliffhangers! O:)
The breeches... and the stockings... with enforced heels... and Groves' shirt... and the buttons on Gillette's breeches... which are slipping down, by hte way... and that smug grin... and the flow of the fabrics... and... and... and...
Comments 20
*hugs you to death*
(I wasn't aware that there's so little art about those two out there... but then again, I freely confess I'm kinda blind to anything but my Gillington OTP. *g*)
Thank you for your comment - I'm really glad you like it!
It's stunning, really. The hands. *sigh* The shadowing and the muscle definition, and all those tiny buttons. I think that's my favorite detail, that unbuttoned leg of Gillette's breeches. :)
Glad you like the buttons! I'm quite obsessed happy with them too. *g*
Very nice, very nice indeed.
Glad you like the undress, though. Unpacking a present is half the fun, after all.
After all, it's my only chance to get back at you for all your mean cliffhangers! O:)
I'm not keeping you from writing a nice little PWP about what happened five minutes later, though... *whistles innocently*
*happy sigh*
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