Title: Not untwist these last strands of man
Pairings: John/Sherlock
Rating: G
Warnings: mentions of depression
Beta: HiddenLacuna (thanks for helping sort out the ending, especially!)
Remix of:
The Mind Has Mountains by Kate_lear. Kate_lear was one of the first authors I read in the fandom, and I've always admired and respected her work. It was
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Comments 6
I agree that part of what makes John and Sherlock's partnership so strong is the way their strengths and weaknesses slot together. It occurred to me when I was writing that last scene that Sherlock's outburst at John in the original, about how he wasn't magically different just because John was having sex with him, might be coming partially from Sherlock's own insecurity and frustration.
Sherlock's experience is nowhere near the same as mine, but I did mine my own symptoms for help understanding his. Luckily for me my treatment experience has been a lot less complicated and more successful.
Thanks again for your kind comments.
I can't really take credit for John's response to Sherlock, since that was drawn from the original story. This was mostly based on a single line where John wondered whether anyone ever stayed with Sherlock through his black moods- the clear implication being that John believes he was left alone to deal. I decided to build on that and explore how the people around Sherlock tried to help him, because I couldn't imagine that no one tried to help ( ... )
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