"There goes the last human voice. . ."

Oct 29, 2006 01:53

Today was a good day in Duluth. I'll post about that tomorrow evening when I'm home, but for now I'm bored so I'll post a meme stolen from a few people on my FL.

Spell your first name backwards:

What month were you born in?

Where do you live?
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada


It's a folding red leather wallet that buttons closed. Its has a zippered change pocket, and then the plce where the bills and cards go is the part that folds over and buttons closed.

Peacock blue Chevy Corsica. It's missing it's gas door, but it's Regis and I love him! It's decorated with Obi-Wan, Captain Jack, Esqueletto and a dashboard Jesus. . . I won't let them take you to the scrap yard until you die, Reg!

A blue plastic one from the dentist.

Jewelry worn daily:
My wring with a sapphire that my papa bought me. That's it.

Pillow Case:
My decorative pillow (that I use to sleep anyways) is dark green with beige stripes on it. My other pillow case it either plain white or has tiny blue and pink flowers on it. It changes a lot.

My underoos are just blue today.

Don't own any. I used to have a pair that magneted to my old glasses, but I lost them. They were so cool because they made ordinary Tim Horton's napkin dispensers into people!

Favorite shirt:
I have two shirts that are the same but different colours, my collered shirts with rolled up sleeves. One is brown and one is olive green. It's obvious I love them, because I wear them all the time. In fact, I wore the green one today! And yesterday. . . hey, I'm traveling. I can wear a shirt twice!

CD in stereo:
How about CD in discman? The Last DJ by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. At home my CD plater is empty, but at camp I have Up by Great Big Sea in it.

Just the standard earlobe piercings.


Wearing now:
My new girly pink jim jams with ducks and bubbles on them from TJ Maxx.

Wishing (at the moment):
That I had contacted Magnus a lot sooner about possibly costuming my film. . . or that I had never pitched my film idea for a period piece because now I've ogtten people involved and can't back out. Plus, I'm too attached to the idea.

Money. The people in the hallway to stop running around. For my film to be a lot more organized because thinking about it really stresses me out.

The last thing you ate:
Pepperoni, green olive and roasted garlic pizza from Old Chicago restaurant in Duluth. The sauce was more or a maranara sauce than a pizza sauce, and it was fantastical!

Something you are afraid of:
The dark. People running in hotel hallways then doors slamming. They could have guns! Crazy Americans (I kidd :P ). Loud noises. That's three things. Or four, depending on how you read it.

DO YOU...?

Do you like candles:
I do. I don't burn them a lot, but at camp we have cinnamon scented ones that relax you. They remind me of Christmas.

Do you like the taste of blood:
No. It tastes a lot like metal, which makes sense, but I don't particularly enjoy the taste of metal. Alos, it means that I am bleeding somewhere. Unless it were someone elses blood, though that's a totally different screwed up thing.

Do you believe in love:
I do. Both love between two lovers and the love that people have for their family and friends. They are two totally different things, but I have experienced the latter so I have to believe in the former.

Do you believe in soul mates:
Not really. I think there are many people in the world that would be compatable with eachother. It's just that sometimes when you find somebody they seem like the only person you could ever love that way, and then if you meet someone you are also compatable with you'll often overlook it because you are so in love with that first person. Not that I know anything about that, because I have never thought that about anyone.

Do you sleep naked?
Nope. I happen to like PJ's. If I wanted to be cooler when I was sleeping I'd just not use a blanket, it's sort of like sleeping naked except that your jim jams ARE the blanket. See?

Do you eat seafood?
Not often. I enjoy a good tuna salad sandwich when my dad makes them, as long as it has celery and onions in it. I've had lobster once, and that was pretty tasty, as are shrimp and hot clam chowder. Other than that I don't care for fish or other foods of the sea-creature variety.

Do you believe in God?
Honestly? No. Though I still say things like "Please let so and so be okay." when things are really bad, like when my grandma was in the hospital. I've seen no results, I have no proof he exists, and so I don't believe in him. The scientific explanation of evolution and the big bang theory make a hell of a lot more sense than anything that religions tries to account for. The whole idea of going to church and "giving yourself to God" seems really cult-ish.

Do you remember your dreams?
A lot of the time I do, yeah. I think it's the same for everyone where for most dreams you remember them for a second once you wake up (if your dream was interupted by your waking) and you can only remember it if you wake up and think about it right away. Like, if you open your eyes and think "I was just dreaming about going to eat squid, then I was attacked by a giant squid on highway 11-17! Weird." Then you'll remember. Though details always get fuzzy and mixed around.

Do you consider yourself a study freak?
I always cram the night before/morning of tests. I think the last time I sat down and studied was in Grade 9 because TAPP (TAP?) told me to.

Do you consider yourself a health nut?
Not at all.

Do you like tattoos?
I don't mind them. I used to not really think I'd ever have one (in a previous meme I said "No, thank you!"), but I can picture myself having a small one somewhere now. Probably something to do with Bowie because of how much he means to me. I still don't know where I'd get it, and I'd have to convince my mom. It would be somewhere that wouldn't get too wrinkly when I was older, and where I could hide it easily when need be -- yet somewhere I could still show it off without it being an awkward moment of Lindsay standing in the middle of the room with her pants down.

Do you believe in miracles?
There is always a possibility that something could happen. If I saw a miracle, like the dead coming to life, then I would believe in it. But no.

Do you burn easily in the sun?
I used to tan and never burn, but now I burn instead. It usually takes me awhile to actually burn, though.

Do you speak a language other than English?
Nope. I can pretend to speak French, but really all I can say are the basic sentences that are taught in Grade 1. Also, "Le bonhomme du neige avec un autobus dans le bilioteque." I probably spelt and conjugated things wrong, but it's a sentence we say because it includes everything awesome! A snowman, with a bus, in a library?! HELLS YES!

What's something you wish you could understand better?
Other languages in general, but i would really love to learn French. Also, mathematics. And body language.


Do you act shy around your crush?
Sometimes, it depends who else is around. Usually I act like a complete lunatic, then he laughs, and that makes me feel all tingly :P

Still have feelings for anyone in a past relationship?
Ill feelings.

Do you know what it feels like to be in love?
I have an IDEA of what it feels like, but I've never felt it I've just thought of it. I'm probably way off.

FASHION STUFF (Oh great, this will be fun for me. . . Zzz.)

Where is your favorite place to shop?
I despise clothes shopping. To answer your question: HMV, Chapters, CDPlus, Future Shop, little used item stores because sometimes you can find good deals on cassettes, movies etc. you thought you'd never find!

What color looks best on you?
Brown -- hence I have a brown t-shirt, a brown collared shirt, brown shoes and a brown sweater that I bought today.

What is your favorite thing to wear?
Collared shirts (most of mine have stripes) with my dark blue jeans, my brown shoes, and my newish coat and scarf!

How much is the most you've ever spent in a single clothing store?
Myself? Probably only $40 or so. My mom usually buys my clothes every school year, and that's why my wardrope is very repetative during the year. Unless my mom prods me to, I won't spend my own money on clothing. I just can't. I don't even go into clothing stores when I go to the mall. I DID buy my own shoes, my whole two pairs of shoes.

Who is the least fashionable person you know?
I'll just say my brother Devin. He's had the same green and blue shirt since Grade 9 and he still loves to wear it. My mom might have thrown in out, actually. But that's fine! We all have our favourite clothes. His fashion is mostly laid back with a whole lot of Axe sprayed on him.

Do you match your belt with your hair color?
No. My belts are black, stripey easter colours or red. My hair is neither black, nor stripey easter colours or red.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Three, actually. I lied up there, because I didn't buy my own winter boots. The ones that I bought myself were my brown shoes and my undeniably fashionable slip-on work shoes with the non-slip sole. Black.

What is the worst trend you see today?
10 - 18 years old girls who dress like fashionable hookers, and 10 - 18 year old boys who are as un-ganster as one can be. . . yet they still try. Also: poofs?! I think poofs have seen their day (one day!) and can leave the planet forever now, thank you. Why would you want to elongate the height of your head? You all look like cone-heads, fashionable hookers, I hope you someday soon realize that.

Do you do drugs?
Caffiene. No smoking of anything, or shooting up or any of that stuff. Just coffee and pop. CAFFIENE I LOVE YOU!

What kind of soap do you use?
Dove, I believe.

What are you listening to right now?
Now the CD is chaned and I'm listening to another one I bought today: Leaders of the Free World by Elbow. More specifically the song "The Everthere". Man, I adore Elbow.

Who was the last person that called you?
Greg to tell us to turn back to his friends house and bring his beer to him. That's why I'm on his computer, because he's at his Duluth friends house for the night. They're going to a halloween party, and since he doesn't have a costume he's just going as "That Canadian Guy".

How many buddies are online right now?
Six. I'm fairly sure most of them aren't really online because they're set to away.

Do you send out holiday cards each year?
No, but I should with a little letter about ME so everyone can read how I am doing. . . I will actually do that when I'm older and have a family so that peple will know them and we can keep in touch, but just sending a letter about me when I still talk to most of the people is pretty dumb. When I move out of town I think I'll start, actually.

Hair right now:
Cut short (maybe 4 - 5 cm long), not dyed so it's my natural brown.

Sort of sleepy now.

Memes are a good way to pass time! I didn't even get distracted from this one like I usually do.
I can't wait until the next Doctor Who! I am so tempted to read a bunch of posts and look at a bunch of icons of upcoming episodes, but I don't want to spoil myself! I can easily download the eppys, but I want to wait and watch them week by week so that the gap between the last episode and the new episodes isn't as long. We're even at least 2 or 3 episodes behind the US up here! Come on, CBC, step it up for the next season! It's easier to avoid spoilers from UK sites/journals than it is to avoid spoilers from US ones.

Also, on the topic of Doctor Who: I remember watching an episode last season (I didn't care for Chris Eccelston and so I didn't watch it anymore. Sorry, Nine fans!) and I really didn't like Rose. It was some episode where she was stuck in a room with some Daleks and The Doctor was watching her on some video equipment. I don't remember really, but I found Billie Piper to be terribly annoying. But now that I've actually watched it I change my mind! Billie Piper is awesome. I take it back, Billie, I don't find you terribly annoying anymore! In fact, I cheer you one. GO YOU! She's a laugh, actually -- for example, in Tooth and Claw when she was trying to get Queen Victoria so say "We are not ammused."? It was Mads crazy (in an awesome way).

People who don't mind being spoiled may look under the cut:
I have been spoiled so much as to know that Rose leaves at the end of this season. I was heartbroken when I found out. I don't know the exact conversation between her and Ten before she goes, but I can imagine what is said. I don't want to know until it airs though, which is why I have to be very careful of which icons I look at. I've seen pictures of the newest girl, though I haven't seen any clips with her so I don't know what to expect.

I love Mondays. Too bad this Monday I have to work. Perform your magic, PVR!


P.S. If you like David Tennant visit "http://www.may-6th.org/tennant. It really deserves more visitors and it has a lot of pictures that the other Tennant sites simply don't have.
P.P.S. to Sheila: on Tuesday we should watch LA Without a Map while we eat our caramel apples.


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