Title: Quartet Author: Telis (theaerosolkid) Rating: G Pairing: Panic! At the Disco Summary: we_are_cities, multiple prompts; introspection. Word Count: 3177 Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake.
You are such an amazing writer. Wow. I just. Have nothing of coherent quality to say here, but I will be adoring and lurking you forever. Thank you for sharing this, and the others! Also, your missions in fandom are my missions as well, so hello there, unknowing teammate.
Aaaw, thanks so much! Stalkers Lurkers ftw! (dude. read the fic jzbell just posted, I love it more than I really should) Teammates unite, crazy like whoa.
God, that icon makes me grin SO HARD. Ahhh, Patrick!! I'm going to friend you, because you gave me an album and also I just like you. And thank you for alerting me to the fic! BRILLIANCE.
Yay friends!! I feel so loved, you have no idea. I hope you like(d) the album? It took a long time for it to grow on me. Standard disclaimer: Melissa = attention whore like whoa. Proceed accordingly.
I don't comment often, merely because either a. the story sucked and if I said anything, it probably wouldn't be very nice or b. the story is something precious that needs to be preserved, that I don't want to ruin with my horribly unhelpful comments and/or flailing. The stories that I have read of yours fall under the latter, of course. But when I come across an author who leaves me feeling like my ribs are being pried apart as their words tug at my heart, well, I have to say something. Even if it's a rambling about how I don't comment often. But I'll try to say something worth saying so I don't waste all this space for nothing, so...
So there's something about your writing style that's profound, that leaves me wanting more but feeling content with what you have written. The way you write everything is so tangible and you really get the guys you're writing, you know? There's an understanding of the human nature somewhere in your words that's really rare in writers.
And when you write things like this: steeped like a teabag in
( ... )
Ohh, wow. This collection of fics has just been so rewarding for me, and believe me when I say I appreciate this comment more than you know. I'm so pleased I touched you, and that you enjoyed what I wrote.
When you say you want to write like me: best compliment ever. I adore you for putting so much of yourself into this, thanks forever.
If you'd like, go ahead and friend my fic journal! Hearts, hearts foever :)
This is - man, this is - transcendent. It totally, wow, I mean, my brain is just, blown to pieces. Ryan's crisis of faith is completely realistic. The whole thing is just so delicately insightful, this reads kind of like you were an interviewer and this was all the stuff going on in Ryan's head as he answered your questions, feelings he could have answered with but didn't. Does that make sense?
Ryan meant what he said, in that one interview (it's funny how most of his life can be traced back to "that one interview", these days, or at least that's how it seems, perception is reality, but he's getting carried away as usual) that he believed his father allowed himself to die because he considered himself done with life, now that he had finished raising Ryan.
Just, oh, god. I don't think I've ever seen this angle explored, and it feels so TRUE.
Ryan isn't sure yet that he believes in God. He knows that he cannot believe in the God he was raised on, the God who plays with people and tests people for the sake of just doing it; the God
( ... )
I'm not going to cite passages at you...because everyone else has and it'd be kinda pointless to leave you a comment quoting damn near your entire fic at you and spasming in exponentially increasing amounts over each segment.
I didn't read through the other comments, but I'm sure most anyone that reads this think it is very real. I had to remind myself I was reading fiction and not a biography or something. It was precise without being over the top, and I loved it that way.
Comments 26
So there's something about your writing style that's profound, that leaves me wanting more but feeling content with what you have written. The way you write everything is so tangible and you really get the guys you're writing, you know? There's an understanding of the human nature somewhere in your words that's really rare in writers.
And when you write things like this: steeped like a teabag in ( ... )
When you say you want to write like me: best compliment ever. I adore you for putting so much of yourself into this, thanks forever.
If you'd like, go ahead and friend my fic journal! Hearts, hearts foever :)
Ryan meant what he said, in that one interview (it's funny how most of his life can be traced back to "that one interview", these days, or at least that's how it seems, perception is reality, but he's getting carried away as usual) that he believed his father allowed himself to die because he considered himself done with life, now that he had finished raising Ryan.
Just, oh, god. I don't think I've ever seen this angle explored, and it feels so TRUE.
Ryan isn't sure yet that he believes in God. He knows that he cannot believe in the God he was raised on, the God who plays with people and tests people for the sake of just doing it; the God ( ... )
Thank you so much. :)
So, instead.
Wow, thanks ;)
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