Title: All is Right
black_pawprintsTeam: STAG
Rating: PG-13
Medium: Mixed (water colour, ink, chalks)
Warnings: Funny lighting (due to scanner)
Prompt: Squeaky swings and tall grass / The longest shadows ever cast / The water's warm and children swim / And we frolicked about in our summer skin - Summer Skin, Death Cab For Cutie
Summary: Lily and James share a moment in the summer heat
Artist's Note: None
(cick for full-size) Please take a quick minute to rate this artwork! Results will be secret, and contribute to the overall performance of Team Doe or Team Stag in the Lily/James Games 2011. Only community members can vote; but
joining the community is open to all and will only take a quick minute!
For your vote to count, you must fill out BOTH parts of the poll. The first will rate the artist's utilisation of the prompt. The second rates your overall enjoyment of the art. Please use only integers when rating the submission. For further information about voting, please see
this post.
Poll Lily/James Games 2011 - All Is Right