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bruiser_in_pink November 18 2006, 21:53:12 UTC
Molly knocked lightly on the door. "Dawn? You home? It's Molly."


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 01:23:19 UTC
Molly raised an eyebrow at Dawn. "I'm glad I went around the park today. Shrub guys?"

She took the package from Dawn and unwrapped it. "EEE! It's cute! I love it!" She took off the hat she was wearing and put the cap on then gave Dawn a hug. "Thank you! Did you have fun in Vegas?"


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 01:28:46 UTC
"They said they were knights," Dawn snorted, clearly not believing that idea, "but really they were just jumping out at people and yelling 'Ni.' They said they'd stop if I got them a shrubbery."

"I'm glad," Dawn hugged Molly back, "and I did. You wouldn't believe the food, and I won fifty dollars, and I got a glass of plum wine, and Lavender bought her first pair of jeans and we could have swam in the tub in the room, and Sam and I were schmoopy, and Weiss is too much fun to hang out with."


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 02:13:56 UTC
Molly shook her head. "So glad I skipped the park."

She grinned as Dawn described her trip. "Sounds like lots of fun."


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 02:15:59 UTC
"It was. Dean had to stake some vamps, but I missed that part completely." She pouted a little.


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 02:25:54 UTC
"Awwwwwwww," Molly said and pouted in sympathy. "That's not fair that he didn't let you help."


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 02:29:44 UTC
"I wasn't there," Dawn admitted, "Anders, Bel, and Blair were with him. But I don't know where they were. Huh."


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 02:30:21 UTC
"There must not have been enough time to call you."


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 02:33:28 UTC
"I guess not." Dawn stretched out on the bed. "So how's Ray?"


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 02:51:34 UTC
Molly sat down in one of the desk chair and smiled broadly. "He said he would protect me from spiders."


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 02:54:56 UTC


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 02:56:44 UTC
Molly continued to grin. "He's also a really good kisser," she said.


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 02:58:17 UTC
Dawn squealed and sat up on the bed, bouncing. "EEEEEEEEEE! When??? Where???"


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 03:01:12 UTC
"Most recently? In his room on Thursday morning when I ran away from a spider in my room."


lilpunkinbelly November 19 2006, 03:06:09 UTC
"Yay!" Dawn was ecstatic for her friend. "So he rescued you, then made with the kissage? Good for him!"


bruiser_in_pink November 19 2006, 03:27:57 UTC
Molly grinned and nodded. "I kissed him first really, but the results were the same."


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