Title: Reprimand Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Kate/Eli Word Count:860~ Summary: For the prompt: "Young Avengers, Kate/Eli, their extracurriculars tend to get in the way of Eli's after-school job." Notes Let's play spot the obscure reference(s)!
Title:: Alive Rating: R Warnings:: ( skip) Mild sexuality, vague mentions of what went on in the Cube. Summary: Billy and Teddy recover from their experiences in the Cube, but Billy realizes that they might not have all the time in the world. Pairing: Billy/Teddy Word Count: 611 Notes Unbeta'd and unpolished; commentfic.
Title: Scars Rating: PG Pairing: Kate/Eli Word Count: 274 Summary: Kate's worried about her appearance. Eli thinks she looks fine. Notes Unbeta'd and unpolished commentfic.
Title: Three Times Tommy and Billy Felt like Brothers Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Tommy + Billy/Teddy Word Count: 1900 Summary: Three fluff-filled little future ficlets. Notes Unbeta'd.
Title: Out and About Rating: PG Summary: Young Avengers Pairing: Billy/Teddy Word Count: 485 Summary: Teddy doesn't care what anyone thinks, except when he does.
Title: Public Displays of Affection Rating: PG Fandom: Young Avengers; Billy/Teddy, mentions of Karolina/Xavin Wordcount: 921 Warnings: None Summary: Teddy's insecure, Karolina says too much, and things fail to go according to plan.
Title: Batman is Creepy Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Batman family Notes: written in comment_fic Warnings: Implied Robin smex. Summary: Alone time in the cave is interrupted.