Title: Scars
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kate/Eli
Word Count: 274
Summary: Kate's worried about her appearance. Eli thinks she looks fine.
Notes Unbeta'd and unpolished commentfic.
He never thought about her scars. When she's fighting and he can see them on her arms or along her stomach, faint and white, he's too busy either watching his back or admiring her kicking ass to think anything of them. And, the other times he sees them ... he's too busy with other things to think anything of them.
Now, though, he's kicked back in her bed and watching her get ready for class. She's bent over her vanity with an industrial-sized tube of ... gunk, carefully rubbing it over a spot on her collarbone.
"What the hell are you doing?"
She half-turns, looking over her shoulder. "Putting on makeup?"
"On your chest?"
She flushes, and that tiny crease between her eyebrows appears signaling that Eli is about to catch hell. "Covering scars."
Eli doesn't answer, because he's puzzling out what that means, and if he even wants to wander into what's probably an emotional minefield. Instead of saying anything he climbs out of bed and walks over to stand behind her, offering his arms.
She leans back into him and closes her eyes. "People ask questions."
"People are idiots."
She snorts and a little smile tugs at her lips. "People are idiots."
He kisses her on the forehead and her faint smile turns into a grin and she adds, "You're not an idiot, though."
He runs a finger over the spot on her collarbone, smudging the creamy foundation down her breast and all over his fingers. It reveals a long, angry scratch. "No, I'm not."