miss_chance has famously said that, despite having done a lot of physical labor in her lifetime, the heaviest thing she's ever lifted was the telephone receiver
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I seem to have rewarded myself by doing laundry and cleaning the refrigerator down to the bones, with the company and increasingly able assistance of Alice. I am amused that this seems to be my reward--perhaps that phone call was blocking more than one process.
Weird. I needed a night off desperately last week, and what did I do, once I took it? Clean the refrigerator down to the bones. It really was its own reward. I wanted that thing clean and cleaned out and it meant not pursuing any of my "real" goals to get it done. Being a grown-up is WEIRD.
Oh, but it feels so good...when you open the door and everything's clean and you know what it all is and how old it is and that there is nothing lurking in a puddle under the rotter...ooooooh!
I have actually considered going back into therapy for the sole purpose of figuring out why theoretically simple PHONE CALLS are so difficult for me. Because I have no idea.
Congratulations. And I'm sorry that you had such a difficult call to make in the first place. I know you are not usually phone-adverse, so it must have been a doozy. :(
Good for you for catching the brain at its tricks and working with it. Sometimes when something is really scary for me to do, what I want to do afterwards is something that puts things back "under control" or reasonable illusion there-of. So I can see how laundry and fridge-cleaning could be really soothing. I hope everything works out.
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Text messaging has probably saved my career.
Good for you for catching the brain at its tricks and working with it. Sometimes when something is really scary for me to do, what I want to do afterwards is something that puts things back "under control" or reasonable illusion there-of. So I can see how laundry and fridge-cleaning could be really soothing. I hope everything works out.
Weird about the after affects, though...
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