A/N: Once upon a time,
fleurdeliser requested
Crowley (Good Omens), Hansel and Gretel. Finally it's here.
You're still welcome to put requests for
that fairy tale/folklore drabble meme. I might even get around to your prompt before 2012!
I'm using font-family: trebuchet ms; anyone knows what font LJ uses?
Better to share the last bite, you say?
Your wish is my command,
humble woodcutter,
* A half loaf of bread makes
eight thin slices
that’s breakfast for four
Sure you don’t want four thick slices?
Midday comes, stomachs rumble,
Oh, how those children grumble!
Those bright eyes soon turn accusing,
then dim
They will die first, you know,
and you will die
with your wife’s nagging
echoing in your ears
…but I do feel sorry for the poor
** children.
* I’m not mocking you, good sir, why would you think so?
** No gingerbread house in this lifetime.