A Less-Than-Mystical Evening (Merlin/Arthur, PG, 100 words)

Jun 29, 2010 03:57

"When you said 'a mystical evening on the beach,' this was not what I expected."

Arthur toed the scarf-sized blanket.

"But Arthur-"

"No buts!" Arthur pointed his finger at his boyfriend. "I'm missing football on telly for this; there should at least be a bottle of wine."

"We can cuddle for warmth?" Merlin suggested hopefully.

"As skinny as your arse is, Merlin, I don't think both of us can fit onto that handkerchief you call a blanket."

Merlin sighed. The blanket promptly transformed into a familiar beaten red couch.


Pulling Merlin close to his side, Arthur smiled. "Much."

Answers merlin100's mystical prompt & writing_game's diss prompt

A/N: OHAI I'm writing Merlin again \o/

[ LJ | IJ | DW ]

◆writing_game, drabbles, [merlin]

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