Yes please.

Oct 10, 2014 16:41

I was starting to despair that I'd ever get a job I like (it's been over a year since I finished my studies, and all I have is a few hours of tutoring a week), but I recently had an opportunity to work for BASF in a "hothouse" (pépinière in French) program (so with training inside the team), in their Coatings department near Paris. I had a phone interview and I really hope I at least get a second interview and if I could get the job omg that would be the dream.

As for other news I've spent last weekend at flourflower's, we went to see Alexandre Astier's Exoconference and it was great, if you have the opportunity to see it, don't hesitate. We also ate at Shabu Sha (a Japanese fondue) in Paris and it was sooooo gooooooood! And I ate the best blackberry sherbet ever at Berthillon's xD

I've planned to make a post later today where I'll talk about movies I've watched recently (Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell (the first one, from 1995), Angel-A, Total Recall) and I'll probably say a few words about Brave New World that I finished reading something like last week.

job, i'm basically saying nothing, life, why am i even making a post, watch me teasing about a post i'll make

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