How did I end up on that part of the Internet again?

Oct 13, 2014 02:20

No, not on THAT part, not the porn part, the creepy part.
Many links in this article, some contain creepy images (and text, of course).

So, basically, yesterday night I was watching videos on youtube, and learning about how plants have fibonacci numbers in them (CALL TO EVERYONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN MATHS OR JUST IN WATCHING THE WORLD AROUND THEM AND HAVING FUN CHECK OUT VIHART'S CHANNEL SHE IS THE BEST EVER (she also talked about biology and physics and stuff, I love her so much)).

Then of course at some point, video suggestion after video suggestion, I ended up on another subject entirely, I ended up on a top 10 of the "freakiest creepypasta". To be fair I never cared much about creepypastas, because they never freaked me out that much, I could hardly care less about Slender Man unless he's in a screamer (and then I would just jolt and hate the maker of the video), I read/listened to a few of those involving pokemon but like, meh. But in the top 10 was the SCP Foundation (SCP stands for Special Containment Procedures, and also for their motto which is "Secure, Contain, Protect"), which is a fictional organization that references and contains if possible/needed (fictional, of course) supernatural creatures, objects, places and phenomenons, there's a whole wiki with all the things (all named "SCP-number"), there are THOUSANDS of them I'm not joking.

What caught my curiosity was the SCP shown as an example in the video, SCP-173, at first I mainly felt very uneasy because of its appearance.
Well, #mylife parenthesis here: I'm EXTREMELY sensitive to anything that is in the uncanny valley, which means, looking close to human (or animal, badly done taxidermy gives me the creeps big time, flourflower can testify, they were laughing their ass off watching a compilation of the worst stuffed animals and I was just "uuuugh noooo") but deformed somehow, like android faces, masks, montages that look part human part not, faces that aren't really faces, stuff like that. I can't watch "smile.jpg" unprepared without having to look away.

SO, after having watched it for good, SCP-173 really just looks like a discutable contemporary art statue (mainly because the image used in the entry is actually PRECISELY that), and a bit ridiculous at that (what's up with its butt?), but at the time it kind of gave me chills. But what really got me was its abilities. I quote: "SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation." Rings a bell? Except there's no time travelling thing? Plus it's nickname is "The Sculpture", and it's apparently made of concrete.
At first I was like "meh, it's a ripoff of Weeping Angels". However I've seen several people say its creation was prior to Blink's broadcast. It's actually hard to verify, since the SCP foundation began on 4chan's paranormal board /x/ in 2007, month unknown, and 173 was their first creation, and Blink aired in June 2007. This tumblr article is pretty good on summing up the issue, and makes an excellent point about the neck-snapping part. (Let's all pretend not to see they wrote "Weeping Angles". God I want to draw that now...)
So on 173 there seems to be a draw, however, there's another one, SCP-055, who basically is a Silent, and was created back in 2008, while The Impossible Astronaut aired in 2011. Do creepy-oriented minds meet or does Moffat lurk on the Internet looking for new ideas? The question is now open.

There are also very cool ones like a zapper gun with which you can shoot people on TV, like, kill a TV Show character. Imagine the possibilities. However only the user seems to see the effect and it doesn't affect the canons or reality. There's also a coffe machine that has a keyboard instead of selection buttons and you can type anything, if it's liquid it will give it to you in a cup (that won't be affected by it, you can have lava in a plastic cup, but you die if you drink it).
What I really like in this website is the imagination behind it, sometimes very twisted and sick, sometimes not at all. Also yeah I may or may not know several numbers by heart now.

AND there's a video game, SCP Containment Breach, in which, basically, you are in the SCP facility where the things are contained, the first scene is you and 2 other guys opening 173's chamber for what seems to be a routine test, except the door won't close, the light flickers, the 2 other guys get killed and the SCP breaks free. It kind of all gets down from there because all the nastiest guys are escaping at once or it wouldn't be funny. I've watched a couple of Let's Plays and this one is very nice and thorough (12 parts, it's quite long), I think they encounter every SCP featured in the game except the one that only appears in the other ending.

The main enemies are:
SCP-173: Mentionned several times earlier, basically a very ugly Weeping Angel that will snap your neck instead of sending you back in time.
SCP-106: It goes through walls, floors, ceilings, it doesn't give a shit, leaving a trail of highly corrosive substance, and if it catches you it takes you to a "pocket dimension" from where you CAN escape, it's unclear how, but you can mainly die. That's in-game, in the wiki they say after being released from the dimension the subject is heavily burned/decomposed by the corrosive stuff. (Moffat if you're looking for new aliens I like this one) Thankfully it's not too fast and not specifically after you so if you get far enough it will leave you alone.
SCP-096: Friendly and docile most of the time, but if you see his face it will scream for a while and then proceed to hunting you down (it's fast, like very fast, and doesn't really care about doors either, it doesn't go through them but seems to go past them somehow, pretty fast) and kill you. The wiki entry is pretty adamant that once you've seen it sucks to be you you're dead. Seeing a photo counts. SPOILER for the let's play I linked: they managed to get themselves stuck with him because they saved after seeing its face, not knowing what it did. They were lucky it wasn't designed for that big of a hunt and ended up glitching like crazy, but they die many many times xD (and in the video you hear his god-awful scream very often, ugh).

I kind of really want to try it now, very preferably with friends, maybe I wouldn't be the one playing but I could guide them since I know the game now, that would be fun. We could even record ourselves (only the game+voices I think) xD

PS: Yes I'll eventually make that post about the movies I watched but this came to me first.

internet, doctor who, scp, creepy stuff, youtube, games

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