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Comments 10

russian_ivy July 18 2009, 19:51:44 UTC
OMB, you made me wet my nightie laughing! Hermione-and-Harry's-indecent-hand-fondling-while-Ron-takes-a-dump-in-the-background ending.

And I confess I thought Cormac's appraisals of Hermione were just a little hawt.

Ginny tying H's shoe was straight out of a Mills & Boone paperback, and if you don't think that makes for Hawt Romance, well...you've obviously progressed past the 1980's.

If you get a Facebook friends request from Carre Armstrong Gardner, you'll know who it is. (*broad, conspiratorial wink*)


lilac_bearry July 21 2009, 04:58:42 UTC
I'm watching and waiting for Carre Armstrong Gardner on FB. Perhaps I'll friend you first?


divinemum July 19 2009, 01:06:26 UTC
"It's not a cane, it's a walking stick!!"

YAY on you posting- I want to wax on more, but I have in-laws visiting.


lilac_bearry July 21 2009, 04:56:56 UTC
Hey, I finally posted, a year after you poked me!


piperx July 19 2009, 20:24:33 UTC
When Harry took the Felix potion, I actually thought of you and laughed out loud in the theater. :P Dan was great in that scene. It was a highlight of the movie.

I LOVE Ghost Hunters although I usually can't watch it when the kids are awake. If I want them to actually sleep at night, that is.

I don't do too much on LJ anymore either, but I FB friended you (FBFF?) Good to hear from you. :)


lilac_bearry July 21 2009, 04:55:20 UTC
Oh, Dan did such a great job, didn't he? So funny.

See, I've got my kids (12 and 8) watching GH now, and they're not scared of it, and can go to bed. It took a while for my daughter, though. But she's cool now. Good to see you on FB!


sannalim July 20 2009, 18:34:59 UTC
I've friended you on FB, at least, if the [Lilac's real name] I chose was in fact you, and not one of the several others by the same name that showed up when I searched it.


lilac_bearry July 21 2009, 04:51:40 UTC
Isn't it weird to think other people in the world have your name? Although I would think that doesn't happen to you very much, does it? Yeah, you found me!


frankieb_sq87 July 20 2009, 19:55:45 UTC
*hugs* Would totally friend you on facebook, but I don't have one. Yes, I know I'm the last person on the planet, but really, I'm okay with that at the moment.

Completely agree with the likes AND the dislikes. Have to add the Random Burning of the Burrow to a dislike, though. I wish they'd trasnferred that battle slot to one that, you know, actually happened. :-P

*raises hand* I love me some GH. My cousin got me hooked on the show and now I can't stop watching. The COG thinks I'm crazy, but who's to say, really? If nothing else it's fun to see the places they go to and it doesn't hurt that Grant is hawt.

I've had a couple of readings done before. Tarot is interesting but generally you can read whatever you want to into it. Psychics are more fun and I've had one that was VERY accurate from what I remember. Of course there was the one in Washington DC who looked like Trewlaney adn stated 'I knew you were coming' when I walked in the door.


lilac_bearry July 21 2009, 04:50:42 UTC
OMG, Grant is totally hawt! But he's hawt in a monogomous married relationship hawt. Raor. *needs GH icons*

That's okay about FB- I just barely got on. I think when I finally get on Twitter, it will actually be the end of the world.


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