I Come Out of My Sabbatical from LJ to Give My Long Awaited Opinions on the Subject of..

Jul 18, 2009 00:57


Things I really liked:

DRACO!!! I agree with those of you who said Tom Felton should get the Best Supporting Actor award, because he just NAILED IT! Did you catch that Draco either inherited or has his own cane like Daddy's? *thinks of Harry wresting the cane!wand out of Draco's hands in the last movie...awesome!*

Tom Riddle at 16 was SO PERFECT!! He was just creepyily perfect and in control of his emotions, manipulative, everything.

HARRYONFELIX=Exactly as I imagined (and acted out at meetups, I might add :P)Harry's pretty funny when under the influence.

CORMAC was a good mix of hawt creepiness and bravado. He's a cutie to watch...probably end up in some vampire movie or something, just you watch!

I loved the R/H/L triangle...LAVLAV WAS SO OVER-THE-TOP, but I loved it, so funny! They even had the "My Sweetheart" Necklace in there...GAH!!! LOVELOVELOVE R/H.

Slughorn was fabulous...even though he is not how I imagined Sluggy to look like, I ended up not caring because he has fabulous expressions and those EYEBROWS KEEL ME DED!

LovePotion!Ron=Major Love! Climbing all over Harry, hugging Sluggy, very funny.

Things I was meh about:

H/G...I'm going to see it again today, but I guess I was expecting to see Jealous!Harry when he saw Dean and Ginny...and the shoelaces was a little too "I'll do anything for you, Harry, just name it"...and what's with Ginny being with Harry for the Quidditch tryouts when not everyone was automatically getting back on the team? Ah, well...I should have prepared myself a little bit more for the changes so I could see how it flows in movie canon and not compare it to book canon. I purposely stayed away from a lot of clips so the movie wouldn't be spoiled for me, but really, I should be prepared for some of these changes. That made me have super high expectations, and I was really hard on this aspect of the film.

Snape!!! I wanted his crazy DON'T CALL ME A COWARD and a larger battle within and without Hogwarts, and the top of the tower, I think Harry would have to be stupid to think that Snape wasn't on Dumblydorr's side..."Shh, Harry...watch, this will be important...our little secret..." And Snape's hair was so clean and manageable when he so calmly and eloquently informed Harry that..."Oh, yes, *I* am the Half Blood Prince", the backlight of the sunset flowing through the tips of his freshly-shampooed raven locks.

As seen in other places in LJ, Hermione-and-Harry's-indecent-hand-fondling-while-Ron-takes-a-dump-in-the-background ending.

In other news, if you know my first name and married last name, go ahead and friend me on facebook. Although I'm about as active on there as I am here, though maybe slightly more on FB. I miss all of you. I read LJ a lot but hardly post or comment anymore. Saves time. :D

Me, I'm no longer a preschool teacher, I now work at the university level helping to coordinate student teacher placements. I really enjoy it, and it was a great move for me and my family, espcially since the PreK program had to cut back a lot since I've left, and I'm not even sure I would have had a job there if I hadn't left. That was good timing! I'm also working on my ELL endorsement/Masters degree, so that takes up the other part of the time.

Lately I've been way into Ghost Hunters on SciFi (now SyFy). And I had a psychic reading at a carnival that freaked me out how acurate it was, though later I wonder if I gave too many clues during the reading. Does anybody else watch Ghost Hunters? Or had a psychic reading?

Can't promise I'll be posting a lot, but I'll be watching. Oh yes...always watching....mwahahahahahah!
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